Ad from the August 27, 1897 Honey Grove Signal
Honey Grove Signal, October 18, 1895
John W. Reed.
An enterprising dealer in Furniture and Coffins is John W. Reed. This gentleman has been in the Furniture business for years, and is thoroughly familiar with the many lines connected with same. He carries the neatest stock of Furniture in the city, and has any variety of Bedroom, Parlor and | Dining room Suits, also all kinds of Chairs, Tables, Rockers, Lounges, Settees, Safes and everything you need in the Furniture line. He also sells the Crown Organ and the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines.
He has a carefully arranged Undertaking Establishment, and has a nice line of Coffins and other things necessary at a funeral.
Mr. Reed is prepared to sell you Furniture or attend tu Undertaking at all times.
Visit his store on the east side of the square. You will find him at all times a cautious gentleman, prompt to attend to business.