Rock Hill School (Lamar County)
Rock Hill School was located on a hill of white rock about three miles southwest of Petty, in Lamar County.
According to a newspaper article, "the first Rock Hill school building was built around the turn of the century. It was destroyed by a storm and was replaced around 1912 with a two room building. In the early forties it was destroyed by fire. A little one room house was used to continue the school year until they could build back. A one room building was then build and was used until rock Hill was consolidated with the Petty school district about 1947."
The newspaper article lists the following teachers:
John D. Cunningham, J. T. Damron, Sam Dawson, Lynn Roddy, Poston Creed, Ila Creed, W. C. Blanton, Lucy Mae (Meeks) Budd, Vera Comelus, Lawrice Rainey, Anna Mae Brazelton, Hugh Gray, Elizabeth Reeder; Jessie Reeder, Oradell Nuhn, Dorothy Harris, Mattie (Cunningham) Doyle, Ethel (Thompson) Bybee, Mattie Mae Smith, Kate (Hitch) Vaught, Gladys (Hobbs) Hall, Lizzie Mae (Grizzard) Lair, Exie Boyle, Mary Esta (Rhodes) Ridgeway, Virginia (Bryant) Cunningham, Ora Mae (Cunningham) Kilpatrick and Edith Jennings.