Rural Mail Delivery 1902

Honey Grove Signal, January 3, 1902
Free Mail Delivery.

Postmaster Bloys has received notification that service on the free rural delivery routes leading out of Honey Grove will be begun February 2nd.  There are nine of these routes, five south and four north, and they cover practically all of the country near Honey Grove.  The free delivery of mail in the country is one of the most important steps taken by the postal department and is gradually being extended to every section of the country.  It will work many changes but, on the whole, we believe will result in great benefit to people who reside in rural sections.

Postmaster Bloys requests us to ask all persons who live upon any of the routes to request correspondents to place number of route on mail addressed to them.  If you live upon a route and do not know the number thereof apply to the Postmaster for your number.

These routes cover an area of 228 1-2 square miles with a population of 4,085.  When the delivery service is inaugurates the postoffices at Reuben, Root, Bantam, Yew and Nicholson will be discontinued.