Liquor Laws & Prohibition
The Standard (Clarksville, Tex.), June 23, 1855
"Temperance Procession at Honey Grove.
Major DeMorse - Believing you to be a friend to the Temperance cause, as well as every other institution having for its object the elevation of the moral tone of Society, I herewith furnish you with an account of the movements of the Templars at Honey Grove, in Fannin County, on Saturday, 9th June, 1855.
Having been informed that there would be some public demonstration of the Templars, at the Grove, to which the friends of Temperance were invited, I left home on Friday afternoon and proceeded as far as the neighborhood of Bourland's store on Middle Sulphur. On our arrival at the house of our old friend Rev. L. Davis, (formerly of Red River County), we ascertained that some of his neighbours had gone, and others making arrangements to start in the morning.
We tarried in the neighborhood, and in the morning by sun rise were on our way, five or six in company - the number increasing as we approached the point of attraction. On our arrival, we found a large assembly - for the most part citizens of the Town and vicinity; also a goodly number from Lamar, Hopkins and Hunt Counties.
About 11 o'clock, A. M., the procession was formed under the command of Rev. Mr. Provine, Marshall, for the day, in double file - in order - the ladies of the Social Degree and Daughters of Sumaria, first - the gentleman of the Social Degree and Temple, next - all in appropriate regalia - next, the ladies spectators; and next the gentleman spectators, member of the respective Lodges, all in proper places, among which was recognized our old friend Judge Rutherford, formerly of Lamar County, bearing in his hand a large Bible, and who, I am informed was one of the first movers of this benevolent enterprise of that place. The procession thus formed numbered about 200 Templars, several hundred spectators - in all from 800 to 1,000 persons, with a beautiful banner and a good band of ____, in the order of a well regulated army, they marched through the village, and about half a mile from Mr. Walcott's Sotre, to a large Mill Shed. When all were seated, the Marshall announced the order of the exercises, which proceeded as follows:
1st Singing one verse,
"Broad is the road that leads in death,
And thousand walk together there,
But wisdom shows a narrow path,
With here and there a traveller."
2nd. Reading a portion of Scripture and prayer, by Rev. W. S. McClure.
After which Miss Armstrong, Miss Betty Woodson and Miss Reed, addressed the meeting. Miss A. E. Provine in behalf of the Sister Templars presented a Bible, with appropriate remarks, to Mr. Clinton Rutherford, as the representative of the Temple of Honor. Mr. R. acknowledged the same, with an appropriate speech. Miss Martha Woodson in behalf of the Sisters, presented a beautiful banner to the Temple of Honor, through Mr. Thos. Legan. In presenting the Banner, Miss Woodson delivered a speech a few minutes in length, very appropriate, which was responded to by Mr. Legan. After which Dr. Pettus delivered a speech in favor of the cause of Temperance, which did crredit to his heart and head, and told well upon the audience.
The Marshall then announced that the refreshments were not in readiness to be served, and a few moments would be allowed for another speech. Miss A. E. Provine was called for, who responded promptly, and eloquently appealed in favor of the cause they espoused, urging on all the important of renewed energy and diligence, in the performance of their duties as Templars. After which the Rev. J. W. Portman of Bonham delivered a very interesting speech on the origin and use of ardent spirits - its deleterious effects upon society, and the importance and necessity of a Prohibitory Law.
All the speeches were well received. I never heard young ladies delivered their addresses with more deliberation. Their countenances beamed with intelligence, and their appropriate gestures and force of expression, were a sure index to the audience, that their themes proceeded from hearts glowing with benevolence, and alive to the interests of suffering humanity.
After the last speech was concluded, the whole company marched in order to the Grove and partook of a sumptuous dinner provided for the occasion by the citizens of the Town, and surrounding country.
Honey Grove is a beautiful place, and healthy; it has improved much in the last two years: it has two or three respectable mercantile houses, - a good public house - two Physicians, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, and other mechanics - a Mill in progress - is surrounded by an extensive body of first rate land, and a heavy settlement of intelligent and enterprising Farmers.
A beautiful place for an institution of learning. Two schools are now in operation and will be sustained.
As far as I could learn, the whole community are in favor of "Prohibition."