Legion Picnic at Honey Grove
The following article was in the July 5, 1924 Bonham Daily Favorite
Legion Picnic At Honey Grove Has Big Attendance
Klan Stages Parade in Cars and Gives Big Barbecue Afterward
Visitors from Paris, Greenville, Sherman, Cooper, and from nearly every town in Fannin county, including many from Bonham, attended the American legion picnic in Honey Grove last night. A large crowd was there yesterday afternoon also. Hon. Sam Rayburn spoke at the tabernacle there in the afternoon. He was the guest of J. H. Lowry.
Probably last night was the coolest 4th of July that has been felt for years. Many people complained of the coolness at the grounds. However, this had little to do with the picnic spirit. The mercury here last night registered 62 on the inside, and was apparently near the frosting point on the outside.
Cyclone Davis, the man who had the reputation of being on more sides of a political question in the days gone by than any man in Texas perhaps, was scheduled to deliver a Ku Klux Klan speech on the grounds. He was unable to be present, and Dr. Hearne, a Baptist minister of Waxahachie, took his place. He spoke an hour or more. Preceding his speech the Klan staged a parade, starting from the baseball park. They were headed by the Honey Grove band in a large truck. It is said there are 400 Klansmen in Honey Grove. The parade was augmented by many from other towns and cities, and the number probably reached six or seven hundred. They came through town, out to the grounds, which are located several blocks this side of town, paraded around the grounds, and afterwards a barbecue was given by them. Most of them were in regalia. However, several didn't give a whoop - meaning they were unmasked.
This is undoubtedly one of the most successful picnics ever given by the Syrup Cityites. Every one seems to have a glad hand for the visitor, there were many interesting features, and every one attending seemed to enjoy it.
Article from the November 8, 1957 Honey Grove Signal-Citizen