Honey Grove High School 1932
Photo provided by Ruby Grace Siebenthall.
Handwritten names on the back of the photo are below. Please let us know if you think any of the names are incorrect, as they are not easy to read.
Front Row: Kathryn Bryant; Marie Alexander; Lois Moore, Laura Stewart, George Flaningan; Ann Harper; Edgar Dockery; Frank Dobbs, Max Grant; Howard Young; J. N. Johnson
Second Row: Howard Smith; Evelyn Thrasher; Juanita Stroud; Inez ______, Ora Mae Cunningham; Ruth M______; Mable Shelton; Evelyn Sanders; Opel Lynn; R. L. Fein; Sam C____; Eul___ Beville
Third Row: Arthur Skinner; Frances Graham; Louise H______; Lena Martin; Elizabeth Floyd; Kate M______; George Shelton; Dorothy Brown; Mary Alice Bell (sponsor); Ira Pope; Paul Fein
Top Row: Homer D_______; Johnnie Whitley; Bill Cappleman, Jessie Smith; Woodrow Warren
Not pictured: Harold Bell; Jno Luttrell; Perry Northcutt; Glen Shelton; Trueet Wilkins; Emogene Chaney; Mary Ruth George; Grace Scott; Roger Burnsed; Kenneth Routon
This is the first use of the Warriors Mascot that we have found so far.