Honey Grove High School 1907
Photo from the April 21, 1972 issue of the Honey Grove Signal-Citizen
Pictured above is the 1907 graduating class of Honey Grove High School. Sixteen of the twenty-six pictured graduated.
The girls that graduated were: Ruby Wilson, Mae Richardson, Una Walker, Emma Hendrix, Loula Hatley, Maggie Clay Thompson, Florence Payne and Mamie Robertson.
The boys that graduated were: George Luttrell, Lee Moser, Everet Mason, Bert Balwin, William Clay, Edgar Boyles, Eugene Parrish and Kenneth Banefield.
Class: Bart Lee Baldwin, Edgar Thomas Boyle, Kenneth Carpenter Banfield, William Graves Clay, Emma Mae Hendrix, Lula Mae Hatley, George L. Luttrell, Joseph Lee Moser, Sam Evers Mason, Benjamin Eugene Parrish, Florence Payne, Mamie Elizabeth Robertson, Maggie Clay Thompson, Una Walker, Ruby Lee Willson