
The 1924 Honey Grove High School football team (from the October 8, 1971 Honey Grove Signal-Citizen)


Seated:  Extreme left and right - coaches Wills and Welker

Players seated bottom row left to right:  Carl Richardson, Bela James, Theo Avery, R. C. Bowden, Capt. Emmett Wishard, C. L. Wood, Melvin Scot, Jesse Cunningham, Cleo Johnson

Second row seated:  Frank Cooper, Othol Thresher, Parkhill Shelton, Dow Bell, Ladello Cooper, (? Scott), Dudley Brown

​Standing: Dewey Emmons, Manco James, Wade McKee, Charlie Eaton, Floyd Lee Hopkins, Edgar Cappleman, Dowell Ward, Thomas McClure, Dee Cunningham, Earl Bell.


Front row:  Wade McKee, Theo Avery, C. L. Wood, R. C. Bowden, Bela James, Capt. Emmett Wishard, Melvin Scot

Standing:  Charli Eaton, Dowell Ward, Floyd Lee Hopkins, Edgar Cappleman.

The photo below, provided by the Eversole family, is of the 1921 team.  The following is written on the back of the photo:

R.E. - J. Magness                                  Center - W. Baker                                      L.E. - S. Self

R.T. - A. Rogers                                                                                                       L.T. - E. Laird

R.H. - M. Grizzard                                 Q - Mule Wilson                                       L.H. - S. Ward

​                                                               Full B - M. Eversole

This photo, from the collection of Lem Locke, is of the 1937 team.

Bottom row:  Bud Barnes, Jack Neal, Billy Jo Smith, Leonard Ramsey, Robert (Tree Top) Cain, Robert James, Aaron Womack, John Flanagan.

Second row:  Archie Pior, Jack McLane, R. Q. Mills, C. C. Roland, Earnest B. Orndoraff, Jim Siebenthal, Murrell Parrish, Charles Huckaby, Oris Manley

Top row:  Lem Locke, Charles Dawson, Ed Anderson, A. D. McBurnett, Jack Robertson, "Wahoo" Foster?