Dry Goods Stores
Yarbrough Dry Goods Store
Ledgers of the Yarbrough Dry Goods Store dating from 1883 have been scanned and indexed. Read more about these ledgers HERE.
Price, Burgher and White
S. L. Erwin & Co.
Unidentified Store
Wilkins, Wood & Patteson
Photos from the June 29, 1973 Honey Grove Signal-Citizen.
This store, which was in operation from the turn of the century though the 1930's, was located on the east side of the square just south of Main Street.
At left is co-owner, Mr. W. D. Wilkins. The woman clerk in the middle is Beatrice Hamil (later Mrs. Joe Goss). On right is Elmo Chiles.
This photo is the 2nd floor of Wilkins, Wood & Patteson. On the left is Mr. Williams, then Mr. Bob Chiles and Mr. Bob Galbraith.
Honey Grove Signal, October 18, 1895
The Leaders In Dry Goods, Clothing and Merchandise.
One of the leading firms in our city is Wilkins, Wood & Patteson dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, and general merchandise. This firm carry a large and complete line of ladies dress goods, flannels, calicos, ginhams, domestics, worsteds, woolens, plaids, etc., also a big stock of clothing and gents furnishing goods. Their line of staple goods and notions is complete in detail and consists of a carefully assorted line of goods that will please anybody, They have also a big line of boots,shoes, slippers and hats,
Like all other departments this is fully stocked with things to eat, including choice teas, coffees, canned goods, and other table delicacies, also a big stock of heavy goods, flour, meats, sugar, salt, molasses, etc, The individual members of this firm are well known to the trading public of Honey Grove and have a reputation second to none for honesty and fair dealing. They want your trade and will sell you more for your money than any house in Fannin county. They are thorough go-a-head merchants who want to sec the city of Honey Grove come to the front. The members of this firm are W. D. Wilkins, C. L. Wood and D. E. Patteson. Call and trade with them.
Bonham Daily Favorite, January 9, 1931 (from the Honey Grove Signal-Citizen)
Last Thursday our people upon coming to town found a notice on the doors of the Wilkins, Wood & Patteson dry goods store bearing the one word, "Closed." Later it was ascertained that the firm had closed the store of its own accord for the benefit of its creditors and that George F. Copely of Sherman had been appointed receiver.
This was indeed sad news to the people of Honey Grove and surrounding country. The store was the oldest mercantile establishment in the town. The business was established by the late W. D. Wilkins more than fifty years ago. About thirty years ago the name of the firm was changed to Wilkins, Wood & Patteson. After the death of W. D. Wilkins and D. E. Patteson the business was continued under the old name by C. L. Wood and R. H. Galbraith. The store has long been a popular one, and all our people deeply regret the reverses which have come to its owners. We shall all miss C. L. Wood and R. H. Galbraith and their splendid sales force from the business life of our town. The closing of the store was made necessary by poor collections and the stringency of the times. What disposition will be made of the stock has not been announced.
One Price Cash Store
Honey Grove Signal, October 18, 1895
The One Price Spot Cash Clothing Merchant.
The leading dealer in Dry Goods. Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc., in Honey Grove is Mr. J. L.Ware. He has two large stores in Fannin County—having a big branch house in Bonham. He is the most enterprising merchant in our city, and has added much to the upbuilding of Honey Grove and Bonham. Mr. Ware is an able and experienced merchant, who has spent years in the business and studies carefully the wants of his many customers. His store is stocked with a large and complete line of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Millinery, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc. His staple and notion line is one of the most complete in the city and comprises almost everything from a spool of thread to a bolt of domestic. His Clothing Department is filled with fine clothes to please everybody and the purchaser cm save from $2 to $5 on every suit of clothes purchased here. He has the largest and best assorted stock of goods in this section of the country and as he buys for cash, he can undersell all competitors, He gives the buyers the benefit of his extensive experience. Mr. Ware is one of the enterprising merchants of our city, and his name has been connected with our leading enterprises for years. He invites the people of Fannin county to visit his stores either at Honey Grove or Bonham and inspect his large stock of spot cash goods, and to get his prices before purchasing them where. Remember the stores and call often on the one price spot cash merchant,
J. L, Ware,
Honey Grove and Bonham, Texas.
J. B. McKee & Co.
Honey Grove Signal, October 18, 1895
This firm is one of the best in Honey Grove for the people to trade with and get full value for their money. Messrs. McKee & Co. carry a large line of Dry Goods, comprising everything in Dress Goods, Novelties, Suitings, Silks, Satins, Sateens, etc.
Whatever is most beautiful worthy or desirable in manufacturer’s product; whatever is exceptional in value for the price, or remarkable in price for the value will be found here. They arc prepared this season to meet the exact requirements of their many customers. Their stock is full and prices at the right point for the customer. Call on them and see for yourself that their line of Dry Goods and Clothing is better than ever before. They are offering big bargains and many new goods in Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery and Underwear. They also carry a large stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries—including a full line of table delicacies. The members of this firm have won the respect and good will of the people of Fannin county by fair dealings, good prices and prompt attention to their patrons' wants. They are to-day one of the leading General Merchandise firms in I Honey Grove-
McKee & Co. want your business. Call on them, examine their prices and be convinced that it will pay you to trade with them.