The Depots
There were two depots in Honey Grove, the one for the Texas & Pacific, and the one for the Santa Fe.
1891 The Denison Sunday Gazeteer, September 20, 1891
"Workmen are busy remodeling the T. & P. depot at Honey Grove. The depot will be built anew, enlarged, and when completed, will be the best depot on that road."
The photos below are the only ones we have found to date of the old Honey Grove train depots.
Please let us know if you have others.
The photo above is part of an online database of the Kansas Historical Society, which names the depot the Gulf Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company Depot, built in 1887.
This photo of the Santa Fe station appeared in the Honey Grove Signal-Citizen, November 12, 1993. On the far left is Frank Roddy, the gentleman second from the right is a Mr. Garner and the other two are unidentified.