Dallas Express, Dallas, Texas
The Dallas Express was a weekly African American newspaper published in Dallas. Issues from 1919-1960 (and one issue from 1900) are available on the Portal to Texas History. In many issues there is information about activities of the black community in Honey Grove. We have transcribed some of this information below.
January 13, 1900
Mrs. P. R. Washington has been appointed as third teacher and began work Tuesday morning. The present enrollment is 159. Miss Annie Hines and Mrs. Nora McCuen left of Waxachachie Saturday. Miss Sallie Stull has been quite ill. Henry Nicholson and E. Skelton are on the sicklist. Messrs. H.C. Cooper and R. H. Perine are to be married on the 1st. Mr. S. W. Hart, the T. and P. porter, has been quite ill. The B. Y. P. U., with Mrs. J. S. Nicholson as president is moving along nicely.
January 18, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, Jan. 16 - Mr. Fred Searcy left Sunday for Fort Worth, Texas. Miss Pecola Nicholson and Mr. James Burk left this week for Gainesville, after spending a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with friends and relatives.
Miss Ethel Thomas arrived here Tuesday from Denison. Miss Jessie Lee and Mrs. Willet Allen spent a pleasant day in Paris, Sunday with their cousin, Mrs. Estella King.
Quite a number of young boys were arrested this week for gambling.
Sergt. Percy Smith has just arrived from Camp in Mexico.
Mr. Clint Chatman and Mr. Joe Brooks left Sunday night for the homes in Oklahoma, after spending the holidays with their brother, Mr. Sam Loggin.
Miss Henrietta Johnson, after spending a couple of weeks with relatives in the city of Clarksville has returned home.
Mrs. Mary Richard is down with the influenze.
Miss Fannie and Mrs. Nancy Wortham were the guests of Miss Saddie Harris, Sunday. They left Monday for Paris, Texas. Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor were called to Wolfe City, Friday on the account of the serious illness of Mr. D. P. Pollard.
January 25, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, Jan. 23 - Mr. John Robertson received the news that his nephew, Mr. Nathaniel Walker died Dec. 2, 1918 in France of influenza.
Sergt Percy Smith returned home Sunday night from Paris, Texas, and a welcome visitor in the public school Monday.
Mrs. Veda Bogan has just returned from Clarksville, where she has been by the bed side of her mother-in-law. She left her much better.
Mrs. Sallie Nicken has been quarantined on account of smallpox. Miss Eva M. Allen, pianist and Mr. George Smith trap drummer are now making swell music every night at the Dixieland theater. Mr. Henry Bowel has arrived from Camp Jackson, Columbia, S.C.
Sad news came Jan. 15th telling of Mr. Dennis Pollard's death at his home in Wolfe City, Texas.
The schools were closed for the rest of the week on account of death of Mrs. Eva J. Taylor's father, Dr. Dennis Pollard, she being one of the city teachers.
Quite a number of people from Bonham and Ft. Worth were down here Sunday evening to attend the Holliness meeting.
Mr. Alberry McKee, Mr. Allen Miller, Mr. Herbert Chatman, Mrs. Emma Vanilier, Miss Cloe Smith, Miss AAudrie Nails from Bonham, Texas, spent a pleasant Sunday in Honey Grove.
February 8, 1919
Honey Grove - Mr. Walter Campbell has been honorably discharged from Camp Travis is here with his wife. Floyde William left this week for Denison. Miss Julia Robertson and Mr. Spencer Pittman were married at the home of the bride's Monday night, Jan. 27. The banquet given by Nelson, Johnson and Loggin was a great success Thursday night. Allie Bedford was in the city on business from Bonham. Mr. Edward Walcatt and many others have returned home from a hunting trip. They were successful in killing many birds. Mr. Edgar Smith who has been sick for several months died at his home Sunday night, Jan. 26 and was buried Jan. 28. He was a member of G. U. O., of O. F. He leaves many relatives and friends to mourn his loss. Funeral attended by Rev. J. R. Swancy. Rev. Winn held his first quarterly conference at East end A. M. E., of which Rev. Collins is P. C.
Mrs. Lula Hurst and Mrs. Allie Pendleton left for Ft. Worth, Sunday. Mrs. Walter Bills of Wichita Falls, Texas is in the city the guest of her husband. Miss Olllie Pollard has room No. 3 in Bralley high school in charge on account of the illness of Mrs. W. J. Taylor.
Mr. C. Randles of Roxton is in the city in the interest of the Standard Insurance Co. Mrs. Mary Shaw was called to Dallas Friday to the bed side of her daughter, Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Fay Allen gave a six o'clock tea Sunday in honor of Miss Ollie Pollard.
February 15, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, Feb. 13 - Mr. Charlie Pittman and Mrs. Dorthy Pittman went to Ladonia to see their sick mother, Mrs. Rachel Pittman. Mr. George Beasly died at his home Tuesday 4th, was buried Thursday. He leaves a wife and five children, two grandchildren. Mrs. Eva Mae Tyler is sick and influenza; her sister, Miss Ollie Pollard, is now teaching in her place. Mr. James A. Lee has returned home from Camp Travis, being honorably discharged.
Mr. Lonnie Littles had returned home from France and he tells many wonderful tales about the boys across the sea. Mr. Dan Loggin left Sunday morning for Rock Island, Ill.
There were quite a number of boys and girls down from Bonham, Sunday evening to attend the Holiness meeting. Mrs. T. E. Y. Pollard was called to the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Taylor. Rev. Walthall filled the stand at the C. M. E. church Sunday.
February 28, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas - Mr. C. B. Straw, Mr. Omer Bower, Mr. Albert Bowers, Mr. Carter, Mr. Claude Forster spent the Sunday here from Windom, Texas. Miss Saddie Harris, Mrs. Lizzie Wallcot, Mrs. Edna Hart, Mr. tribly Nelson, Mr. Jesse Nelson, Mr. Richard Johnson spend Sunday in Paris, Texas. Sgt. Grant Loggin sent his father, Sam Loggin a German helmet from France and says that he was well and expecting to sail for home soon. Mrs. Blanche Stewart, mrs. fannie Wright and many others were down Sunday from Bonham.
Rev. J. R. Swancy occupied the stand Sunday at 11 o'clock and conducted himself with much credit. Mrs. Katie Huckaby is the guest of Mrs. P. R. Robinson, this week. Mrs. Fay Smith Allen is erecting a nice four-room cottage in West end of town.
Mr. A. L. Pendleton, Supt. of Eastland Baptist Sunday school is still striving to make his school second to none. Rev. W. K. Walthall was at his post Sunday and delivered an able sermon.
March 8, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, March 6 - The members of the C. M. E. church with Mr. Fisher McChesney as lead quietly in the home of Rev. Wathal stormed him with delicious eatables for the table.
Private Leo Higgs of the old 8th regiment arrived Sunday morning, he is receiving a cordial welcome of his relatives and many friends.
Rev. Collin, P.C., of the A. M. E. preached Sunday and made quite a few plans for the better of his church work. The entertainment by the members of the C. M. E. church was a success. The ladies of the Missionary of Eastland Baptist church is doing some needed city mission work. Messrs. Dennis Pollard and Austin Hollis in company with Mrs. Lena Handis of Hugo were callers at the home of Mrs. W. J. Taylor, Sunday.
Mr. Allen Bond have returned home from Camp Travis. Mrs. Annie Lee of Paris, Texas spent a few days with Mrs. Lettie B. Ward, who accompanied her home to spend a few days in Paris.
March 15, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, March 13 - Mr. Douglas Perry, Mr. Emmett Ward, Mrs. Willie Wilson, Miss Fannie Holloway were in the city Sunday from Bonham, Texas.
Mr. Arthur Bell was here from Clarksville. Sgt. Dude Christian has just arrived from Camp Travis, Texas. Mrs. Manore Owens is here from San Antonio, Texas, to spend a few weeks with her relatives and friends. Sgt. Clifton Johnson passed through this city going to Clarksville. Mrs. Carrie Older left Friday for Clarksville. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Esteen Crockett, a boy.
March 29, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, March 27. Rev. J. R. Swancy preached the K. of P's sermon Sunday with much credit at Eastland Baptist church. The program rendered at Bralley High School Friday evening was well enjoyed at all. Miss Dona Perdue remains chairman of the program committee.
Miss Eva M. Taylor after several weeks of illness was able to take charge of her work last week. Mr. Allen Perdue of Chicago and Mrs. Wright of Oklahoma are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Perdue.
Rev. Dunfrey of Houston assisted Rev. J. R. Swancy in a soul stirring service in which several converts were added to the church. Sunday was high day at the Primitive church and Revs. Higgs and Roquemore filled the stand.
Private Vera Stull, who has been on the front in Columbus, N. W., came in Saturday. The A. M. E. Church with Rev. J. W. Collins as P.C. is both spiritual and financially alive. The Willing Workers club met at Mrs. Easter Pope's Thursday evening. Miss Jessie Loggin, one of the active members of the graduating class has been out of school several days on account of illness. Prof. James Pendleton closed a successful term at Big Wood school this week. Misses Annie Le Jones and Vivian Hines were in town Sunday. The members and pastor of the Eighth Street M. E> church are trying to put forth plans to being work on their new structure. Mrs. Emma Randle bought a lot south of T. & P. railroad.
April 26, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, April 24 - The Easter program at Eastland Baptist church under the supervision of Mrs. Ida Lewis and Miss Nortense Robinson acting as pianist rendered much credit to taking part and Eastland church. Rev. J. R. Swancy preached a very able and extensive sermon at 11:o'clock to an intelligent audience. The Easter program at 8th M. E. under the auspices of Madams Lee Taylor and S. E. Parker was excellent.
Mrs. Mabel Grant pleasantly surprised Mrs. Cherry Gray to a six o'clock tea celebration in honor of her birthday. Rev. W. K. Walthall preached a resurrection sermon Sunday morning at 5 o'clock to a large audience. Messrs. Dennis Pollard, Austin Hollis and wife and Miss Ollie Pollard motored over Sunday evening. Messrs. Clem, John Smith and several others spent a pleasant day at the home of Mrs. Nannie West Sunday. Mrs. Flora Scarlet of Dallas is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fannie Humphrey, this week. Miss Allie Cotton who has been indisposed for the past week is convalescent. Quite a few of the Honey Grovites attended the school closing Friday.
May 3, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, May 1 - Sunday school at each of the churches were poorly attended on account of inclemency of the weather.
Mrs. Florence Bagby was a pleasant caller at the home of Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor Sunday. Mrs. Flora Scarlett, after a few days' visit with her sister, left for Dallas Sunday. The Bralley high school picnic at Gaulding Park served as quite a treat to boys and girls. After the picnic the boys crossed bats with Paris high school boys, scores 4 to 3 in favor of Bralley high school, Honey Grove. Miss Nina Loggin and Mrs. Lula Snell were called to Clarksville Sunday to attend the funeral of Tilla Lindsay.
Rev. J. R. Swancey was called to St. Mark to conduct the ordination of the deacons. Madams Fannie Humphrey, Flora Scarlett, Allie Jackson and Jemima Taylor motored over to Roxton to visit the school of Miss Vivian Hines. Mrs. Mary Richard and Mr. Sam Deadson were united in holy wedlock Monday night at the home of the bride. Rev. J. R. Swancy officiated. Mrs. A. G. Winn, the District Missionary visit here Friday and made a very interesting call to the C. M. E. church. Mrs. Etta DeJournette, teacher of Home Starr school, closed her school Friday.
May 10, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, May 8 - Rev. Collin, P.C. of the A. M. E. Church preached Sunday. Private Columbus Brazzleton remains were shipped here from Camp Bowie to be buried; funeral was attended by Rev. J. R. Swancey
Quite a number of the Honey Gro- . . . vite, attended the closing exercises of Miss Vivian Hines Friday night. Prof. Percy Smith was in town Sunday on business.
May 31, 1919
Honey Grove, May 29, 1919. The Primitive Baptist May meeting beginning and ending Sunday was well attended.
Several able sermons were preached and the meeting on a whole was very beneficial to those who attended. Misses Henrie Slaughter, Nanon Perdure, and Mr. Nathaniel Pendleton are at home from College.
Several attended the closing exercises of Ladonia Public School this week of which Miss Iceola Brown is principal.
Hon. W. E. King will return to our city June 15th and deliver one of his able lectures. Let us all come out and hear him. Don't forget the date, June 15th at Eastland Baptist Church at 3:30 o'clock.
Miss Eva Brown one of Honey Grove's best and respected young ladies was wedded to Mr. Potts one of Ravenna's industrious young men at the home of the bride last Thursday at 4:00 o'clock, Rev. F. Parker officiated.
An educational rally has been in session at the church of God's of which Rev. A. C. Floyd is P.C. Quite a few of able divines were present. The meeting was a success both spiritually and financially.
Mr. Jim Nails of Tulsa was in town last week visiting relatives. Mr. Spencer Pittman who has been sick only a short while died Saturday and remains were buried in Hill's Edition Cemetery Monday. Rev. Melton the former P.C. of St. Paul A. M. E. church was in town Sunday.
June 7, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, June 5 - Rev. Collins, P. C., of the St. Paul A. M. E. church occupied the stand Sunday at 11 o'clock and delivered one of his able sermons.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McFarland gave one of the swellest entertainments of the season in honor of their brother, Lieut. F. L. McFarland of the old Eighth regiment of Chicago. Many guests were present and they reported a most enjoyable evening.
Mrs. Mattie Cason was called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Easter, who is suffering much with her eyes.
Mrs. Davenport on the account of the illness of her sister.
Mrs. Ethel Fuller and children and Mr. Seth Fuller left for San Angelo, Sunday night.
July 5, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, July 3 - Mr. Sammie King of Paris, Texas was up Sunday to see his cousin. We had a nice rain yesterday which helped the crops. Private Theodore Nicholson, Horace Moore and Tommie Shant, Andrew, Rece, have just reached home after many months over sea.
The Starlight Band under the directions of Mrs. Mabel Grant rendered a nice program at the Eastland Baptist church Sunday night. Mrs. Hette Loggin was very glad Saturday to welcome home her brother, Mr. Albert William, who has spent a year over sea in active service.
Mrs. Lilley Bason and her two children are spending a few days with her father and sister. Mrs. Ora kary and sister Miss Odessa Logan left Saturday for Hugo, Okla., to spend the rest of the summer. Mr. Emil Ward was in the city last week. In last week's issue instead of the party given by Miss F. M. Taylor it was given by Mrs. J. J. Taylor in honor in honor of Denis Pollard and wife. Mrs. Flora Scarlett of Dallas is here spending a few days with relatives and friends. Miss Clay Minter Pierson and sister of Paris was in the city Sunday. Mr. Booker of Dallas, after spending several days in our city, the guest of Miss F. M. Taylor, returned home Thursday.
The Dallas Express on sale every Saturday and Sunday at Bills and Burk's cafe and tailor shop.
July 12, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, July 10 - Rev. Collins, pastor of A. M. E. church is conducting a revival this week. Mr. Charlely Garden, who has been ill for a few days is much better. Mrs. Susie Bills of Grandfield, Okla., has in the city last week to see her mother, Mrs. Mary Bills. Mrs. Effie hall left Saturday of Sulphur Spring, where she will spend the rest of the summer. The S. S. gave foot entertainment at the home of Mrs. F. E. Humphrey Friday night, which proved to be a success. Mrs. Mary Benton is on the sick list also Mr. E. S. Burks. Miss Charlie Johns of Paris was in the city Sunday to see Mr. Brookie Smith. A nice crowd spent the 4th of July in Bonham.
Private Percy Walter and Noel Tatum, Arthur Bush, Walter Jones and Sam Cole have all returned home from over sea service. Jimmie Hardin and mother came in Saturday from Ft. Worth. Rev. Swancy left Saturday for Denton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murphy were in the city last week. Prof. James Pendleton has returned home from a business trip at Carthage, Texas. Mr. Frank Johnson, Ernest Steward and Ray Townsend spent the Sunday in Honey Grove. Mr. Douglas Perry from Bonham, also Mrs. Willie C. Crawford spent Sunday in our city.
The Dallas Express is on sale every Saturday and Sunday at Bills and Burks' cafe and tailor shop, see Ivan Bills for single copies.
Mrs. Ernestine Gentry of Paris visitted Mr. and Mrs. Bills last week. Mrs. J. R. Swancy's mother and sister of Oklahoma is visiting her this week.
July 19, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, July 17 - Mr. and Mrs. Lige Tatum gave their son, Mr. Noel Tatum, who has just returned home from France, a swell party Wednesday night, July 9, 1919. The home was beautifully decorated in red, white and blue colors; the lawn was also beautifully arranged. The guests numbered over seventy-five and thirty being present from Bonham. Music was furnished by the famous Bonham Orchestra.
Private Clarence Dalton and Jornice Chatman have returned home from France, also Prvt. Larry Tenner and Justus Yoakum of service Co. 22, Engineers 20, regiment 161. They spent 17 months in service. Mr. Dee Smith Hurbert Chatman, Mr. and Mrs. Authery Murphy was in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Nicholson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nicholson. Rev. Collins, pastor of A. M. E. church is carrying on one of the best meetings that has been in Honey Grove for quite a while, is assisted by Rev. P. Prine of Terrell, Texas. Mr. Sercy Walker and Master O. T. Calloway of Dallas were here Sunday on business. Miss Willie Williams left for Denison, Texas, to spend a few days with her brother, also Miss Annie Lee Jones. Mr. Denzel Perdue is here spending a few days with his mother and other from Ft. Smith, Ark. Rev. Parker, pastor of Eight street M. E. Church has arrived from Ohio, where he spent a few weeks. Mr. james Burks was called from Greenville, Texas, to the bedside of his sick father, Eugene Burks. Miss Geneva Hilbert of Paris was in the city. Rev. Swancy left Monday for Ft. Worth. Miss Nellie Johns, Muskogee, Okla., en route to Clarksville, Texas stopped over a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. B. R. Smith. Hattie Wood of WOlfe City is in the city this week. Rev. Warthan, pastor C. M. E. church and Mrs. Tom Smith and Mrs. Charlie Miles and Mrs. _ason who has been to Needville, at attend the convention has returned home where they had a splendid trip. Prof. W J. Taylor has purchased a new Overland car. Mrs. Cason of Holdville, Okla., is in the city to see relatives.
August 2, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas July 31 - Mr. Eugene Burks was born in Honey Grove, Texas Feb. 15th, 1882, died July 23rd, 1919. His funeral was held at Eastland Baptist church July 26, 1919 and it was conducted by Rev. J. R. Swancy. He leaves a mother, one son, three brothers and two sisters and other relatives and friends to mourn his lost. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bills, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Trimble, Miss Alma Buck, also Miss Annie Lee Burks. Master St. Bucks, Hugo, Okla.; Mrs. E. S. Bucks, Colorado Springs; Mr and Mrs. Williams Coats, Mineral Wells; Master James P. Bucks, Greenville; Mrs. Susie Bills, Grandfield, Okla.; Mr. Lanzo Nicholson, Gainesville; Miss Thelma Bills, Tulsa, Okla. Mrs. Ander Stull, Wolfe City; were in the city to attend the funeral of Mr. Eugene Bucks. Miss Lois and Ruby Halton of Pilot Point is visiting Miss Vivian Hines this week. Rev. Winn, Elder of the A. M. E. church preached to a crowded house at 11 o'clock Sunday morning also to a crowded house Sunday night at the A. M. E. church. Mr. Daniel Greeman, our sea soldier came in Thursday being honorably discharged from Camp Travis. Mr. Percy Walker and Edmond Walker motored to Texarkana on a pleasure trip.
Miss Jodie Douglas of Sherman, Texas, passed through Honey Grove en route to Liberty Grove. Miss Certie Bell Dyrus left Saturday morning for Amarillo, Texas. Miss Duckie Hill, Mrs. Cora Hill of Gainesville, Texas stopped in Honey Grove for a few days enroute to Paris, Texas, service at all churches were well attended. Mr. Jeff Logan has returned home from France. Mrs. Laura Howard left for Kansas City to meet her husband from over sea.
Rev. Parker, pastor Eighth Street church is out of the city this week. Mr. A. J. Perdue has returned from Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Nicholson spent Sunday in Bonham.
See Ivan Bills for the Dallas Express and Chicago Defender at Billls cafe and tailor shop.
August 9, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, Aug. 7. - Rev. Collins, pastor of A. M. E. Church preached to a crowded house Sunday. Mr. Sam Loggins has moved into his new cafe also Mr. Kid Harris has moved his barbershop back on Sixth street. Miss Mabel Hayes arrived in honey Grove from Waco also Miss Isadore Hawkins from Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Tob Carter came in Friday from Kansas City, No. Mrs. Florca Scarlet on her way to Kansas City, Mo. Stopped with her sister for a few days. Mrs. Joe Hensley and Mrs. Johnnie King came in Friday night Camp Pike, where they were discharged from military service. Mr. Bennie Rainey from Clarksville spent day and night in Honey Grove with friends. Rev. J. R. Swancy left for Denton. Mr. Dave Johnson and Floyd Walker, M. S. DeJournette, Lonzo England and Gilbert McFarland and others motored to Honey Grove Sunday evening. Mr. Isman Allen who has been in military service in Mexico with the 24th Infantry is at home with wife and relatives. Mr. Horace Townsell was in the city Sunday visiting friends. Miss Alma Burks left Friday for Hugo, Okla. Mrs. E. S. Burks, Colorado Springs, Mrs. Susie Bills, Frandfield, Okla; Miss Geneva Bills, Dallas; Mr. James Page Burks, Greenville.
December 20, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, Dec. 11. The C. M. E. and Eighth Street M. E. Methodists have new pastors and they are putting forth plans to do a great work this year.
The Missionary sisters met with Mrs. Cherry Gray and had a glorious meeting Sunday evening. Mrs. Ida Lewis is sick. Mrs. Sallie Nicken, a district Deputy of Knight Tabor went to Coffee Mill, Monday to set up a Tabernacle. Miss Vivian Hines has accepted the school near Coffee Mill. The G. U. O. of O. F. are trying to reach the 100 mark by the first of the new year.
Mrs. Jesse Nelson was called to Denison Sunday to attend the funeral of a relative. Miss Nena Loggin is one of the great admirers of the Express. Mr. J. P. Pipe is preparing to remodel his home. Remember the Express prices and have your money when it comes as it must be run on a cash basis.
December 27, 1919
Honey Grove, Texas, Dec. 25. Rev. J. R. Swancey occupied the stand at Eastland church Sunday at 11 o'clock graced the pulpit with one of his best subjects, "God." Officers were elected at the annual election of Liberty Grove Lodge No. 26443.
Mrs. Helen Cotton marketed 27 turkeys arranging from 14 pound to 16 pound one day last week at 28 cent per pound. Others should take example. East Baptist Sunday school with Mr. A. L. Pendleton as Supt., raised $216.00 this year and its numerical strength and interest has increased accordingly.
Messrs. Fellix Logan and Henry Bowers are in the city visiting relatives.
Mr. Major Ellis came home sick Saturday night. Mrs. Nelson and Miss Allie Jackson left Wednesday to spend the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Ethel Fuller at San Angelo.
Mr. A. J. Perdure and daughter, Naon, attended the funeral of Mr. Isam Hines at Greenville last week. Mrs. Jane Bagby left for Ladonia Sunday. Misses Annie Jones and Henry Slaughter are at home to spend Christmas. Mr. Ivan Bills in charge of the East end cafe.
January 3, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, Jan 1. - Rev. J. R. Swancy occupied the stand at Eastland church Sunday and delivered quite an able discourse from the text "The Universal God." Mr. John Pendleton read a paper at Eastland Sunday at 11:00 o'clock in commemoration of St. John's day
Ms. Willl William and Mrs. Johns Givens spent Christmas with relatives at Bryant, Texas.
Arrivals: Mrs. D. P. Lewis, Mrs. Flora Scarlet of Dallas. Miss Susie Bills of Oklahoma; Mrs. Kate Dyer and Mr. V. L. S. Booker of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Pollard, Mrs. Amelia Pyles and Mr. Austin Pollard of Ladonia and others were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, Saturday.
Mrs. Ida Lewis was in Paris this week visiting relatives.
Mrs. Mary Shaw gave a stag party on Dec. 28th in honor of Mr. A. L. Shaw quite a few were present and at the close they were served with a four course luncheon, the evening was pleasantly spent by all.
Miss Hortense Robinson is at home from Wiley, spending Christmas with parents. The Misses Porters are welcome visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Swancy.
Mr. John Pipe returned from Lehigh, Saturday.
Remember if you want yours news to appear in the Express it must reach the reporter not later than Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Green are all smile when they know the Express is on hand.
At the annual election of Liberty Grove Lodge No. 2643, the following were elected: W. H. Taylor, N.G.; Isam Allen, E. S.; N. J. Taylor, P. S.; A. J. Perdue, W. T.; T. H. Jackson, N. F.; B. Smith, P. N F.; Sam Lewis, Chaplain; Calvin Nicholson, V. G.; Ivan Smith, P. N. G.; Wm. Coats, Warden; Glen Nicholson, R. S. to N.G., N.B., Antony, L. S. to N. G., Ernest King, R. S. to V. G., Isadon Jackson, L. S. to V. G.
Auditing Committee: T. H. Jackson, B. Smith, Calvin, Nicholson.
Trustees: J. L. Bogan, Alex Leshaw, Sam Lewis.
January 10, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, Jan. 8. Mrs. Mercy D. Bell and Miss Thelma Bills gave quite a swell party Thursday night in honor of Miss Susie Nicholson of Gainesville at Odd Fellow Hall. Mrs. Vivian Logan left Sunday for Carson, to begin her school session. Mrs. Mary Bills is up from a spell of Lagrippe, Rev. A. W. Harley, P.C. of the 8th street M. E. Sunday school with Mrs. A. T. Smith as Supt. is progressing nicely.
Mr. Willard Guess and Miss Christina Roquemon were quietly married at home of the bride.
Mr. Jeff Logan and Miss Vivian Hines were married Wednesday night at the home of the bride, Rev. A. W. Harley, officiated.
Mrs. F. M. Nicholson is at Home again after spending Christmas with her children in Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Davenport entertained a few friends Sunday to a delicious dinner.
Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Swancy spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Davis at Ravenna last week. Arrivals: Miss Odessia Logan, Arlington; Miss Gertie Dyer of Amarillo, Mr. Felix Logan, Wiley University.
Miss Eva Allen is always pleased to receive the Express.
Mrs. Fannie Henderson is indisposed this week.
January 17, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, Jan. 15. - Rev. A. G. Wynn held his first quarterly conference with St. Paul A.M.E. church of which Rev. Collins is P. C., with much success.
Rev. A. G. Wynn preached an able sermon, Sunday at 11 o'clock.
Mr. J. S. Allen, Supt., of St. Paul Sabbath is planning great drive both numerical and financial.
Miss Allie Jackson entertained a few friends at her home, Sunday to a delicious dinner.
Quite a sad accident happened in our city last Thursday, while Mr. J. C. Logan, one of our esteemed and much loved citizen while feeding the conveyor at the oil mill was suddenly engulfed by seed and smothered to death his funeral was attended by Rev. A. W. Harley assisted by Rev. J. R. Swancy: He leaves a wife, nine children and many relatives and friends mourn his loss, his remains were laid to rest under auspices of the Sir Knights of Tabors.
Arrivals in the city: Doctor W. H. Logan, Galveston; Messrs. Wade Logan, Leana Dolton, Amarilla.
Mr. Chas. Logan, Hugo, Okla; Mr. Dupree Logan, Rick Island, Ill.,; Prof. W. E. and Felix, Mr. Joe Logan, Whitewright. Miss Jennie Love, who has been sick for a short while died of pneumonia Saturday night. Her remains were entered in the Hill Edition cemetery Monday. The funeral was attended by Rev. J. R. Swancy. She leaves a mother, many relatives. Mrs. Rachel Hart is indisposed this week.
Mrs. Willie Mae Fuller and Mr. Roosevelt. Carroll entertained Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Nicholson at the home of Mrs. Ballinger to an excellent dinner.
January 24, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, Jan. 22 - Rev. J. W. Collins preached at St. Paul A. M. E. church from the text "Take Out Insurance." Rev. J. C. Coleman occupied the stand at Eastland Baptist church Sunday. Mr. Henry Dyer who has been sick for some time died Wednesday and was buried Friday. He leaves a mother and many relatives to mourn their loss. Messrs. J. W. Dyer, Lawrence Dyer, Miss Gertie Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson were called to attend the funeral of Mr. Henry Dyer. Arrivals: Mrs. Hazel Lowe, Dallas, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. D. Payne, Greenville, Texas; Mrs. Willie Mathis and Mrs. Nannie Ryan, Kansas City, Mo. The willing Workers are doing their part of the work at the St. Paul A. M. E. church. Rev. J. R. Swancy is in Seattle Washington on business this week. Rev. Mrs. Clark is conducting a series of meetings at Eastland church this week. Mr. Ben Fuller, Jr., left for Mineral Wells Sunday. The Missionary society had a pleasant time at the home of Mrs. and Rev. J. W. Swancey. Miss Odessa Logan left for Arlington Sunday. Mrs. A. D. Key G. W. C. made her annual visit to For-get-me-not Court and made an excellent lecture.
January 31, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, Jan. 29 - Rev. J. R. Swancy being away, Rev. Mrs. Clark filled the stand at Eastland Baptist Church with much credit Sunday at 11 o'clock and 8:30. Mrs. M. A. Shaw was called to Kansas City on account of the illness of her daughter. Mr. Bert Thomas of New Mexico is a welcome visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McFarland this week. Any one wishing the Express or Defender leave your order with Mr. George Evans who is a race man and lover of both papers, at Wm. Harris' barber shop. Mr. Isadore Jackson is indisposed this week. Sick listed: Mrs. Alice Keton, Mrs. Sallie Nickens and Mrs. Jessie Nelson.
February 14, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, Feb. 12 - Mrs. M. A. Shipley was a pleasant visitor at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Calvin Nicholson. Mrs. Vivian Logan was in from Carson Saturday and reports school work good. Miss Mildred Perdue who has been sick for some time reported for duty Monday. Mrs. Vinnie Givens was buried in Hill Addition Sunday. Rev. Griffith preached two able sermons at the C. M. E. church and he is putting forth every effort to get his people spiritually and financially aroused. Mrs. Moody made her annual visit to the Juvenile Circle of Woodmen. Messrs. W. H. Johnson and H. J. Johnson motored over Sunday to see Mrs. Sallie Nickens, who has been sick for some time. Mrs. Mary Bills is suffering from a light spell of lagrippe.
February 28, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, Feb. 26 - Rev. P. H. Thomas occupied the stand at Eastland Baptist Church Sunday night. The installation of Rev. Chambers at Bellville Church Sunday was a success. Mr. A. L. Pendleton and Mr. Nealy Woods were quietly married at the home of Mrs. Jemima Taylor Sunday evening. Mrs. A. T. Smith reports work doing nicely at 8th street M. E. Church. Rev. Swancy preached at Bellview Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Ernest McChesney is able to be out after several days illness. Mr. Jno. Coleman is planning to entertain the citizens of Honey Grove with one of his famous concerts.
March 13, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, March 4 - Rev. Collins, P. C., of the St. Paul A. M. E. church held his regular service Sunday. The sick list are too numerous to mention. Mrs. Mattie Taylor of Kansas City is in the city on account of the illness of her mother. Mr. Will Love is improving his home on South 5th Street. Masters Johnny Reynolds and Arthur Nails say by April 1 they will be glad to have the Express delivered to one hundred homes. They are two busy boys and will be glad to get your news when they deliver your paper. Let us make your cards, letterheads and other printing matter.
April 3, 1920
Hone Grove, Texas, April 1 - Rev. A. W. Harley preached the Brave Boys' and Courts of Calentes' sermon Sunday before quite an intelligent audience. He deserves credit for the way he delivered the discourse.
Rev. J. R. Swancy occupied the stand at Eastland Sunday and graced it with on of his special "Universal Freedom."
Rev. W. M. Higgs assisted by Revs. A. R. Roquemore and J. R. Hornback delivered the word of God at the Primitive church.
Rev. Williams preached at 8th Street Church Sunday night.
Mr. Maxey left for Calvert Sunday.
The Heroines of Jericho and the Master Masons observed Palm Sunday by a sermon delivered by Rev. J. R. Swancy.
April 10, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, April 8 - The Easter exercises at the 8th Street M. E. Church with Mrs. Ethel Smith conductress, and Eastland Baptist church with Mrs. ida Lewis conductress, assisted by Mrs. Ella Taylor and Mrs. Alberta Swancey were both good and were worth while being attended. Mr. Jackson is in town for the purpose of constructing the 8th Street M. E. church. Mr. and Mrs. Liash Tatum have begun the construction of their modern home which when completed will be one of the nicest homes in the city.
Honey Grove Baseball team with Mr. Ivan Bills as manager and Mr. Justice Yoakum as captain will be ready for any team when season opens. Mrs. Vivian Logan has finished a successful school term near Carson and is at home again.
April 17, 1920
Honey Grove, Tex., Apr. 15 - The members of the Church of God are erecting a church on South 5th St. Rev. Bargan has been conducting a series of meetings at the A. M. E. church the past week. Rev. C. L. Bryant preached several nights at the Church of the Living God this week. Mr. Dennis Cotton who has been sick for some time is able to be out again. Misses Mattie and Donnie Perdue, Elizabeth Jackson and Percy Butler were callers at Miss Allie Cotton's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lige Tatum are preparing to erect a cottage on South Fourth S., Messre. Clint Chatman and Joe Brook of Oklahoma are in the city to visit their brother who has been sick for some time. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Smith have been indisposed for the past week. Mrs. Jemima Taylor is suffering this week from a light attack of the flu. Hon. Reynolds, Vice Grant Mentor of Knights of Tabor made his annual visit this week and was royally entertained after he delivered his lecture. Mrs. Estella Marley and Miss Era Allen report a pleasant visit to their sister, Mrs. Laura Howard, Gainesville, Texas, Mr. Bob Basin who has been confined to his room for some time is reported better. Mrs. Edna Aldridge who has been very sick for the past two days is reported better.
April 24, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas April 22 - Mr. Percy Butler and Miss Elizabeth Jackson were quietly married at the home of the bride Saturday. Rev. J. R. Swancey officiated. Quite a few were in Paris Monday to attend the lecture of Hon. Roscoe Simmons.
Rev. J. R. Swancey occupied the stand at Eastland Sunday at 11 o'clock and graced the stand with one of his able sermons. Test. "The Regenerated Church." Rev. J. W. Collins preached two able sermons at the St. Paul A.M.E. church Sunday. Mrs. Jemima Taylor, Mrs. Sarah Nicholson and Spencer Smith attended the meeting, A Stall Cup Sunday and reported a glorious meeting. Mrs. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor were in Wolfe City on business Sunday. Mrs. Mary Deadmon has been suffering with the rheumatism for the past week. The Honey Grove base ball boys are meeting with success with their Friday nights entertainments. Rev. and Mrs. Swancey motored over to Liberty Sunday, where he attended the funeral of Miss Ordella Railback.
May 1, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, April 29. - The weather was somewhat inclement Sunday but Rev. Will Higgs, assisted by Rev. Marion Roquemore filled their regular appointment. Honey Grove and Bonham crossed bats Friday at the High School park scores 7 to 3 in favor of Bonham. Mrs. Edna Aldridge who has been seriously sick for the past week is reported better. Mr. Sampson Bagby and Miss Nina Loggins were quietly married at the home of the bride Wednesday evening. Mr. Morse Reynolds is all smiles over that 12 pound boy that arrived last week at his home. Master Sam Dolton is general motorman at the Bonham House Truck Company. Mrs. Leanna Floyd who has been sick for some time is able to be out. Mr. Calvin Nicholson is erecting a building on the T. H. Nicholson property South of T. and P. Station where he will open a garage for the public. Mrs. Carrie Hickman is a welcome visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Moore. Mr. Reuben Childs died April 19th and his remains laid beneath the soil in Hill Addition Cemetary.
May 8, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, May 6 - Rev. J. W. Collins was at his post Sunday and delivered two able sermons to his people. Mrs. Dora Basin is Chesney, Sam Lewis, Oma Sanders on the sick list. Messrs. Fisher McMmes Parlee Sanders, Ertis McChesney and Synthia Anderson were called to Ladonia to attend the funeral of Mr. John Reynolds Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Logan returned from Hugo Sunday. Remember the price of the Express and have your money ready. Miss Etta DeJarnette closed a successful term of school at Lone Star and gave the people a good concert Friday night. Everybody is getting busy in Bralley High School preparing for the final examination.
May 14, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, May 13 - Rev. Pryor preached the Odd Fellow's annual sermon. All were pleased. The collection amounted to $35.68. Mr. H. W. Wortham was in Wolfe City Sunday visiting friends. Mrs. Flora Scarlett of Dallas is a pleasant visitor at the home of Mrs. F. E. Humphrey. Mrs. Cherry Gray is on the sick list. Several members of the Bonham lodge attended the annual sermon of the Odd Fellows. Mr. Will Folling is always pleased to get the Express. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adkins are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine girl at their home. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Perdure are remodeling their house on South 14th street.
September 18, 1920
Honey Grove, Sept. 16 - Rev. Roquemore preached at the Primitive church Sunday. Mrs. Essie Green left for Itasca Sunday. Mrs. L. D. Sanders was carried to Paris Monday for an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Logan and little Francis Athea arrived from Hugo, Okla. Sunday. Mrs. Easter Harris died Saturday and her remains were interred in Hill Edition cemetery Sunday. The funeral was attended by Rev. A. R. Roquemore. The annual officers of Eastland Sunday School are as follows, Mr. A. L. Pendleton, Supt.; Mrs. Albert Smith, Librarian; Mrs. W. J. Taylor, treasurer and teacher of Class A; Miss Mildred Perdue, Class B; Mr. Morse Reyholds, Clss C; Miss Allie Jackson, Class D; Mrs. Ida Lewis, Class E; Mr. Jessie Davenport, Class F. Rev. Asa Floyd left Monday to conduct a meeting at Colbert, Okla. Mrs. Nealy Woods Pendleton was called to the bedside of Mr. D. P. Lewis in Dallas. Dr. P. R. Robinson of Ennis was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Nina Bagsley in in Oklahoma for her health. Mrs. A. W. McFarland and Mrs. Laura Nicholson are at home again. Mrs.Williams is not expected to survive. Mr.and Mrs. Denzie Perdue are rejoicing over a fine girl.
May 1, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, April 29. - The weather was somewhat inclement Sunday but Rev. Will Higgs, assisted by Rev. Marion Roquemore filled their regular appointment. Honey Grove and Bonham crossed bats Friday at the High School park scores 7 to 3 in favor of Bonham. Mrs. Edna Aldridge who has been seriously sick for the past week is reported better. Mr. Sampson Bagby and Miss Nina Loggins were quietly married at the home of the bride Wednesday evening. Mr. Morse Reynolds is all smiles over that 12 pound boy that arrived last week at his home. Master Sam Dolton is general motorman at the Bonham House Truck Company. Mrs. Leanna Floyd who has been sick for some time is able to be out. Mr. Calvin Nicholson is erecting a building on the T. H. Nicholson property South of T. and P. Station where he will open a garage for the public. Mrs. Carrie Hickman is a welcome visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Moore. Mr. Reuben Childs died April 19th and his remains laid beneath the soil in Hill Addition Cemetary.
May 8, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, May 6 - Rev. J. W. Collins was at his post Sunday and delivered two able sermons to his people. Mrs. Dora Basin is Chesney, Sam Lewis, Oma Sanders on the sick list. Messrs. Fisher McMmes Parlee Sanders, Ertis McChesney and Synthia Anderson were called to Ladonia to attend the funeral of Mr. John Reynolds Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Logan returned from Hugo Sunday. Remember the price of the Express and have your money ready. Miss Etta DeJarnette closed a successful term of school at Lone Star and gave the people a good concert Friday night. Everybody is getting busy in Bralley High School preparing for the final examination.
May 14, 1920
Honey Grove, Texas, May 13 - Rev. Pryor preached the Odd Fellow's annual sermon. All were pleased. The collection amounted to $35.68. Mr. H. W. Wortham was in Wolfe City Sunday visiting friends. Mrs. Flora Scarlett of Dallas is a pleasant visitor at the home of Mrs. F. E. Humphrey. Mrs. Cherry Gray is on the sick list. Several members of the Bonham lodge attended the annual sermon of the Odd Fellows. Mr. Will Folling is always pleased to get the Express. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adkins are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine girl at their home. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Perdure are remodeling their house on South 14th street.
September 18, 1920
Honey Grove, Sept. 16 - Rev. Roquemore preached at the Primitive church Sunday. Mrs. Essie Green left for Itasca Sunday. Mrs. L. D. Sanders was carried to Paris Monday for an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Logan and little Francis Athea arrived from Hugo, Okla. Sunday. Mrs. Easter Harris died Saturday and her remains were interred in Hill Edition cemetery Sunday. The funeral was attended by Rev. A. R. Roquemore. The annual officers of Eastland Sunday School are as follows, Mr. A. L. Pendleton, Supt.; Mrs. Albert Smith, Librarian; Mrs. W. J. Taylor, treasurer and teacher of Class A; Miss Mildred Perdue, Class B; Mr. Morse Reyholds, Clss C; Miss Allie Jackson, Class D; Mrs. Ida Lewis, Class E; Mr. Jessie Davenport, Class F. Rev. Asa Floyd left Monday to conduct a meeting at Colbert, Okla. Mrs. Nealy Woods Pendleton was called to the bedside of Mr. D. P. Lewis in Dallas. Dr. P. R. Robinson of Ennis was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Nina Bagsley in in Oklahoma for her health. Mrs. A. W. McFarland and Mrs. Laura Nicholson are at home again. Mrs.Williams is not expected to survive. Mr.and Mrs. Denzie Perdue are rejoicing over a fine girl.
September 25, 1920
Honey Grove, Sept. 23 - Rev. J. R. Swancey delivered two able sermons at Eastland, one in the morning and the other at night. Mrs. Williams who has been ill for some time died Wednesday morning and interment was made in Hill Edition cemetery. Mrs. Henrietta Sanders is in the Sanitarium at Paris, very ill. Mrs. Alberta Swancy, who has been visiting her sick mother in Oklahoma, returned Saturday. Mr. E. R. Maxwell, head tier at the Compress, came in last week. Rev. W. H. Hamilton preached at the Church of God Sunday night to an enthusiastic audience. Mrs. Dennison Cotton was a pleasant caller at the home of Mrs. W. J. Taylor Sunday.
October 9, 1920
Front Page. Black and Tan Republicans Meet in Honey Grove
Honey Grove, Texas, Oct. 7 - The Colored people of Honey Grove met Monday night, and organized a . . . Capers, Black and Tan Republican club of precinct No. 5. Prof. JW. J. Taylor was made chairman; Mr. Geo. Perdue, secretary. The object of the meeting was to awaken more enthusiasm in the Colored voters, and to rightly instruct those that might not be so versed in politics to know just how to vote for the good of the race, this applied especially to the women who for the first time have gotten the ballot in their hands. Interesting talks were made by the following: Rev. J. R. Swancy, W. H. Taylor, A. T. Smyth, A. W. McFarland, Blueford Smyth, J. S. Allen, A. J. Perdue, Mrs. Eva Taylor.
Who said no substance we must show our manhood and womanhood through our vote, we must vote as strength can only be shown this way. Talking is cheap and that friends to the race may be put in office, we can only help or hinder a person. Through our vote, we must vote as well as pray. The "lily White Republicans" do not want our vote, they can succeed without use, they say. They do not seem to know the party with whom the Negro will cast his vote will be in the majority many of us do not realize this ourselves if so more of us would get together organize, in one solid phalanx, instruct our women and on that day (continued on page 6)
both men and women, every legal voter excepting none would so understand know just what to do, just how to vote, that we would all cast our vote as one man, and the white man would at least see it is good to have the votes of the Negro. The Negro for these many years has only been used for filling, when we show we can bring things to pass - we can demand something. When the party sess to reach success they must come by us, we can, as had been said only do this by voting the Black and Tan Republican ticket. Other things were said too numerous to mention. At the close an executive committee of seventeen were appointed for precinct No. 5, twelve men, five women, W. H. Taylor, chairman; Rev. J. R. Swancy, honorary member, the duty to these to call other meetings and rightly inform the new voters on voting give any information that might be helpful. It is hoped that each town, city and precinct in the state will do likewise for there is but one way to strike a blow and that is at the polls.
The following composed the executive committee: Messrs. Isam Allen, T. H. Jackson, A. W. McFarland, Blueford Smyth, J.S. Allen, T. H. Smyth, A. T. Smyth, J. W. Wallace, Walter Terrell, Jessie Nelson, Henry Black. Ladies - Mrs. Virginia Smyth, Mrs. Ida Lewis, Mrs. W. _. Taylor, Mrs. N. J. West, Mrs. Tom Williams.
October 16, 1920
Page 2
The Black and Tan Republican Meeting of Monkstown. Honey Grove, Texas, Oct. 14. - The club of Honey Grove known as the Harding-Coolidge-Capers Black and Tanclub sent Rev. J. R. Swancy and Prof. J. H. Pendleton to Monkstown, Sunday. They organized there a club by the same name. This club in this section of the District will carryout the same plans as its Alma Mater of Honey Grove - that of awakening enthusiasm in the people that every man and woman will pay their poll tax and not only pay, but also vote Nov. 2nd for the best interest of the race.
The committee is as follows: Henry Little, president; Robert Perry, secretary; Jas. Gray, L. J. Briggs, J. H. McKnight, W. M. Martin, Adolph Briggs, Geo. Gilbreath. Frank McKnight, Henry Garrett, John Petric, G. E. Perkins, L. B. Dickerson.
Page 3
Honey Grove, Oct. 14 - Rev. A. R. Roquemore delivered one of his able sermons at the Primitive Baptist Church Sunday at 11 o'clock. Rev. J. R. Swancey preached at Monkstown to an intelligent audience Sunday at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Cherry Gray, who has been in disposed for the past week was able to be out Sunday. Mr. A. W. McFarland is visiting Okla. The Harding, Coolidge, Capers Black and Tan Republican club was entertained Sunday evening at 6 o'clock by Hon. Wm. McDonald, who delivered a master address on the Black and Tax Republican party. Mr. Roger Scroggins left for Oklahoma City, Monday. After the lecture of Wm. McDonald a collection of $45.40 was raised.
September 11, 1920
Honey Grove, Sept. 9 - Rev. Collin, P. C., St. Paul A. M. E. Church assisted by Rev. Gray and Lynn have been carrying a series of meetings. Mrs. L. C. Parker delivered an enthusiastic lecture to Missionary sisters at A. M. E. Church Sunday evening. Miss Ophelia Blackman was in the city. Mr. and Mrs. . . . lain avenue is on duty again after a pleasant vacation in St. Charles and other points of Illinois Att'y. Farmer was accompanied by Mrs. Farmer. Mrs. Anna Marshall and Mrs. John Smothers of Evanston, Ill., spent considerable time in the city during the week on business. Mr. T. G. Gunn accompanied by his wife and daughter of Roanoke, Va., spent a pleasant visit in the city as the guest of officers and Mrs. Julius Glenn, 1301 W. 113th street. Enroute home, the Gunns will stop at Cleveland, Ohio. W. A. Wallace, present Wallace Bakery co., 3600 State street, who spent considerable time in the east attending conventions and visiting relative and friends has returned to the city much pleased with his trip. While attending the convention at Springfield, Ill., as delegate of U. B. F. and S. M.T., M. T. Bailey, president Bailey Press Bureau, 3638 State street was highly entertained by several of his old friends.
W. J. Taylor were in Ladonia Tuesday on business. Mr. Rufus Smith was here Thursday. Mrs. Bettie Higgs, who underwent an operation Wednesday is reported doing nicely. Mrs. Williams is still very sick at the home of Mrs. M. E. Reynolds. Mrs. Jemina Taylor and Mrs. F. M. Booker were entertained at Mrs. A. L. Pendleton's Sunday.
January 8, 1921
Honey Grove, Jan. 6 - Mrs. F. M. Nicholson of Tulsa, Okla., F. L. Scarlett of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Johnson were the pleasant guests of our city last week. Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, H. M. Slaughter, A. L. Jones and Mrs. F. Allen returned to their schools. Mr. W. P. Jones was guest of his mother and sister last week. Rev. J. R. Swancy left Sunday night for Seattle Wash. The Xmas tree at the Baptist church was enjoyed by the children. Mrs. Scarlett and Smith last Saturday for Dallas, also Mr. Jake Benn and Sank Fuller left for San Angelo. Mrs. Edna Aldridge is in Paris also Miss Grace Hart in Pecan Gap. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis gave a family dinner Sunday. Watch meeting was well attended Friday night. For the Dallas Express see Mrs. Lewis.
January 15, 1921
Honey Grove, Jan. 13. Miss Avenue Givens and Perrin Frazier married Sunday evening at the home of the bride. Mrs. Lizzie Ballinger and master Williams Fuller made a flying trip to Denison last week. Rev. Simon was in the city Sunday holding his quarterly conference with the C. M. E. Mrs. Aldridge has returned from Paris. Mrs. F. M. Nicholson after a pleasant visit with her many friends left Saturday for Arlington, Texas. Mr. Sam Gentry and Robert Thomas left Monday for Oklahoma. Mr. McKinley and Roosevelt Carroll as here from Denison. The Missionary Society cordially invited everybody to their bid candy pulling at Mrs. Humphreys store on 14th St., Jan. 20th.
February 12, 1921
Honey Grove, Feb. 10 - The Banquet given by the Court of Calanthe Friday night was enjoyed by all. Mr. Matt Baker was a pleasant visitor in our city last week. Rev. L. T. Linds filled an appointment at the A. M. E. Church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Stephens were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Griffin at dinner Sunday. Miss Hernie Mae Slaughter was at home Saturday from her school in Ladonia. Mrs. and Mrs. Russell Carter are the happy parents of a fine boy. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel were the guests of Mrs. Atkins.
February 19, 1921
Honey Grove, Feb. 17. Mrs. Jennie Doris was buried Sunday under auspices of the Daughters of Tabor. Rev. J. R. Swancy and wife motored to Monkstown to his appointment. The Tackey Party given by the Missionary was quite a success. Mrs. A. L. Pendleton is on the sick list; also Little Louise Moore.
March 12, 1921
Honey Grove, March 10 - Rev. Hamilton, State Missionary of Dallas filled the Eastland Baptist pulpit Sunday, both morning and evening. Mrs. Jane Curry was buried Saturday. Many friends and relatives were in the city to witness the occasion. Prof. W. J. Taylor of Wolfe City was here Saturday. Mrs. Edna Aldridge and Willet Allen are on the sick list also Mrs. Simons. Mrs. A. L. Pendleton is convalescing. The cemetery committee stormed Mrs. Eliza Pierce Friday night. Rev. Linds filled his pulpit at the A. M. E. Church Sunday. Rev. Swancy left Saturday evening for Denton. The Mother's Meeting at the Daughters' hall was enjoyed by all. After meeting wad closed, the members and friends were served cream and cake. Miss Isadore Hamilton and sister and friends were here Sunday. Mrs. Hensley of Petty was also here. Rev. Harllee preached an able sermon Sunday.
March 26, 1921
Honey Grove, March 24 - Rev. Swancy preached an able sermon Sunday at 11 a.m. and at night. Mr. A. T. Smith, Andrew Perdure and others motored to Greenville on the 16th to hear Colonel Roscoe Simmons. Mr. John Pipe went to Denison last week to see his sick brother. Madams Ellis Jones and Simmons are ill this week. Rev. J. R. Swancy preached in Ladonia Sunday evening. Every church is preparing for Easter.
October 15, 1921
Honey Grove, Oct. 13 - Rev. Mooney, pastor of Spence Chapel A. M. E. church was with the good people of Union Hill A. M. E. church, holding the lat quarterly conference for the presiding elder, Rev. J. P. Lynn, Rev. J. A. Jones, pastor. This presiding elder is sending his young giant ministers to hold his conferences. The conference business was carried out to a letter. Sunday morning at 9:30 Sunday School was opened with officers and teachers at their respective places. Rev. Mooney, acting presiding elder, in charge. At 11 a.m. preached a splendid sermon from Matt. 27:22, subject "That shall I do with Jesus, who is called the Christ?" Our souls were lifted up at the message of this great man. Sunday afternoon found us on the water-side; four happy souls were baptized by Rev. Mooney. At 7:45 p.m. we were again at the church after a spiritual prayer meeting Rev. Mooney preached from Rev. 6:17, subject: "Who shall be able to Stand?" We went over the top. Read the Express. B. B. Burnaugh, Reporter.
February 11, 1922
Honey Grove, Feb. 9 - A. M. E. Quarterly lConference was held at H. G. with success, Rev. J. R. Lynn, pastor. Mr. Semmie Moore is suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Eastland Baptist Sunday school enjoyed a full school. The W. H. M.S. is taking on new life. The J. W. H. S. is meeting with success in their undertakings. Mrs. Hannah Simmons is seriously ill. Mrs. Rosie Hightower is indisposed. Mr. Hamilton of Sherman was in the city Sunday, visiting relatives and the A. M. E. conference. Miss Jimmie Smith of Bonham spent the weekend at home, and on her return to her work in Lamar County spent a few hours with Miss C. M. Seay, a teacher in Bralley high school.
March 11, 1922
Honey Grove - Little Miss Louise Moore has been very sick, but is improving. Her father Mr. Semmie Moore who has been very ill for some time is improving. Mrs. Edna Alderige came in the city from Dallas Saturday. Supt. Williams of Paris held his Quarterlly conference with 8th Street M. E. church on the 6th. Rev. Mrs. Lynn left Friday for Mexia, where she will spend a few days. Union Hill storm did not effect any of the people of Honey Grove except Rev. Lynn. The members of his church of that place stormed him here Saturday with meat, lard, flour, molasses and in fact most all of the necessary foods bring along some prince Albert tobacco. Mrs. Ophelia Yoakum is very sick. Prof. Ray Seay was a pleasant visitor of the city Sunday. Rev. J. R. Swancy is in Denton holding his regular services.
May 13, 1922
Honey Grove - Brother George H. Coleman well known and respected citizen of Honey Grove passed away Saturday night May 6th about 7:30. He has no relatives or as we have been able to find anywhere. He was a loyal member of his church, Eastland Baptist Church, and carried a goodly amount of insurance. Will be buried May 9th in Cedar Wood Cemetery. Dr. J. R. Swancey who was in Beaumont at the time of death when notified, responded immediately came in Monday evening and took charge of the body. Dr. Edward, Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masonry made his annual visit to Golden West Chapter No. 106. Prof. Ray Seay came over Saturday to witness the ballgame and other business. Miss M. M. Perdue and mother spent a few hours in Bonham Sunday. Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor was in town this week. We received the sad intelligence of Dr. A. R. Griggs' death Sunday evening. The ballgame between Honey Grove and Bonham, scores 1-5, favor Bonham. The L. P. C. Club entertained at Mrs. Fay Allen Thursday afternoon, a very enjoyable time was reported.
May 22, 1922
Honey Grove - Honey Grove crossed bats with Ladonia Sunday, May 21. Quite a few fans from Honey Grove went over. A fine game was played, 4 and 5 in favor of Honey Grove. Mr. Mack Johnson was in city last week on business. Mrs. F. M. Booker is visiting aunt. Mrs. J. H. Lynn was called to Mexia on business. Rev. J. R. Swancey is here, preacher two able sermons Sunday. He will preach his closing sermon next Sunday, May 28, after 11 years of helpful services. Mrs. Winnie Smith is sick at the home of her son, T. A. Smith. Mr. O. T. Calloway is back home again, boys be careful.
May 30, 1922 - CHECK DATE
Honey Grove - The U. B. F. and S. M.T. held their annual Thanksgiving services at M. E. Church Sunday, May 28. Rev. Lamb officiated. Had a nice crowd and splendid program. The L. P. C. club was entertained at the home of Mrs. A. J. Perdue at which time the engagement of Miss M. M. Perdue to Prof. Roy Seay of Bonham was announced. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coats of Mineral Wells are here visiting Mrs. Coats' mother. The primitive Baptist church had their District meeting last week ending with a great foot washing Sunday, May 28th.
June 10, 1922
Honey Grove. - Miss Nanon Perdue and Mr. N. H. Pendle have returned from Marshall, Texas where they attended Bishop College. They report a fine and successful school term. Honey Grove and Ladonia played a fine ball game Sunday, April 28th, result of scored 4 and 3 in favor or Honey Grove. Batteries: Ladonia, Sampson and King; Honey Grove: Justus Yoakum and Roosevelt Thouston. Yoakum pitched a splendid game. Rev. Wiley of Denison preached a nice sermon at Eastland Baptist Church Sunday. Prof. W. J. Taylor closed his school Monday and he and wife are back home. We are proud to have them back. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Frazier made a flying trip to Reno, Sunday. Uncle Harry Foster, an old citizen of Honey Grove, died Friday night, buried Saturday. Rev. J. H. Lynn officiated. Mr. William Coats after a few days' visit with relatives returned to Mineral Wells, his home. The L.P.C. club met with Mrs. J. P. Pipe. A very interesting as well as instructive meeting. Messrs A. T. Smith, Novel Tatum and Rev. Felix Logan made a trip to Marshall, where Mr. A. T. Smith, jr., was attending Wiley University. They had an accident, yet none were hurt seriously.
They had to return by way of rail. Rev. J. C. Coleman failed to fill his appointment at Clarksville Sunday on account of illness. The A. M. E. church has pruchased new seats for the Sunday School Convention which convenes here in August.
June 17, 1922
Mrs. Simmie Moore and Mrs. Jeff Logans were in Bonham attending the Y. W. A. from Thursday to Saturday. Rev. Munsin of Denison preached at the Baptist church Sunday night. Our pastor, Dr. J. R. Swancey, we regret very much to say will leave for Beaumont, where he will assume his pastoral duties. Mr. Jessie Davenport leaves Wednesday for Beaumont. A nice program was rendered at Smith Hill Chpael Sunday. Miss Ruth Pendleton, Mistress of ceremonies. Misses nanon and Mildred Perdue were in Bonham attending the Y. W. A. A. Union picnic of all the churches to be had at 8th street church park on the 19th. Mrs. Bird Coats left Sunday for Mineral Wells. Miss Mildred Perdue left Sunday for Fort Worth, Texas.
June 24, 1922
Honey Grove - Mrs. Hazel Perdue from Van Buren, Ark., is here visiting her mother-in-law and other relatives. A crowd of Honeoy Grove Fans went over to Ladonia, Sunday to witness the game. Honey Grove vs Ladonia. Batteries of Ladonia: King and Doggle; Honey Grove: Foster and Yoakum. The boys were in fine trim and played a smooth game. Emmel Ward hit heavy, bumping the fence at will. George Wesley played a star game on 3rd base. The pitcher Foster and catcher Yoakum had the Ladonia nine at their mercy. Mrs. Lillian Bitters of this cit is visiting her mother. The Knights and Daughters of Tabor held their annual thanksgiving services Sunday. Rev. Lamb preached for them. An interesting as well as impressive program was rendered. Rev. J. R. Swancey moved to Beaumont this week. Deacon Davenport, Brother Rogers also moved to Beaumont. Mrs. Jessie Davenport and Booker were the guests of Mrs. A. L. Pendleton Sunday. The L. P. C. club was entertained by Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Rev. J. C. Coleman was in Paris Sunday. Mrs. Pope is indisposed. Little Miss Lovine Byrd is contained in bed. Miss Mary Helen Yoakum, who has been very sick for several weeks, is improving. Brother Ben Fuller has a very sick boy.
July 1, 1922
Honey Grove - The Union picnic of the Churches was a success. The ball game between Brookston and Honey Grove resulted in a score of 5 to 7 in favor Brookston. Rev. C. A. Holt of Dallas preached two sermons at Eastland Baptist Church Sunday. All seemed to enjoy the sermon. Mrs. Ida Lewis entertained the L.P.C. Club last Thursday evening. All enjoyed the evening. Prof. W. J. Taylor will open his store Monday, after having been out of business several years.
Quite a crowd went over to the picnic at Wolfe City Saturday night. An enjoyable time was reported. Miss Annie Lee Jones entertained Miss Beulah McPeters at home Saturday with 6 o'clock dinner. Mr. Houston Carter of Wolfe City spent Saturday and Sunday with Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor of Honey Grove.
July 15, 1922
Honey Grove - Services at Eastland Baptist church Sunday. Rev. L. K. Kimbrough of Ladonia preached 2 excellent sermons, Sunday school was well attended. Mrs. Sam Green's little girl is on the sick list. The Holliness Baptizing was postponed on account of rain. Little Carrie Smith left yesterday for her home in Magnolia, Ark. Mrs. Ida Lewis received the sad news of the death of Mrs. N. Crawford; we sympathize with the bereived family. Prof. J. W. Pendleton left on the 1st for Tyler to attend the Normal. Services well attended at both M. E. & A. M. E. churches. The A. M. EM. is taking on a new coat of paper. Revival meeting will begin at Eastland Baptist church Monday night. Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor are running a nice Cafe in their store on 14th St. Sister Annie Hall is convalescent. Miss L. Brownridge of Clarksville visited Miss Namon Perdue. Miss Wyatt of Dallas and Mr. Matthew Hines of Clarksville visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Perdue.
July 29, 1922
Honey Grove - Honey Grove baseball team played three games at Wolfe City July 20-21-22. Honey Grove won the first two. The crowd from Honey Grove was large each day. A grand union picnic of all the churches will be held on the 28th and 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Seay returned to Honey Grove Sunday with their father and mother, Mr. Prof. Seay, who motored over to Bonham to attend the lecture given there by Hon. Boyd. Miss Monon Perdue also accompanied their mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Perdue to Bonham. Mrs. John McKnight, Mr. Stephens, Mrs. Garett and Mr. Walker of Blue Prairie passed through on going home to Terrell. Mr. Lee city to spend a few hours with Mrs. Ida lweis. Mrs. Delta Thomas left Sunday evening for Dallas. The Primitive Baptist District meetings are in session here. The big brothers meeting will be held at Odd Fellows hall Monday evening, 8 o'clock. The big sisters meeting will be held at 3:30 o'clock Monday evening. Rev. H. B. Evans is organizer, every negro man is expected to attend the big brothers meeting, every woman expected to meet the big sisters.
November 11, 1922
Honey Grove - Rev. G. Williams was present Sunday services. Sermons were good. The Eastland Baptist church is re-installing their new pastor. Rev. C. B. Williams services at St. James A. M. E. church were excellent. Rev. J. B. Flynn, pastor, is very busy getting ready to leave for the annual conference to be held at New Boston, Texas.
December 2, 1922
Honey Grove - Sunday school was well attended Sunday. Mrs. Ophelia Yaokum is ill. Mr. Taylor and wife are over from Wolfe City, Saturday. The Primitive Baptist church held excellent services Sunday. The Football contest between Bonham and Honey Grove will be played Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving services will be held at E. L. Baptist church. Rev. G. B. Williams, pastor.
December 9, 1922
Marriage Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Allen announce the marriage of their daughter Era Mae to Joseph A. Williams, which took place on Nov. 29, 1922 at home, Honey Grove, Texas.
Honey Grove - Services were excellent at Eastland, Sunday. The rally netted One hundred and twenty dollars. The new pastor, Rev. G. B. Williams was installed. Rev. Lynch preached the installation sermon. Mr. Owens of Denison was with us and lectured at 7:30 p.m., the same proved an excellent effort. Mr. A. Gilbert has been appointed manager of the Douglas Denison was with us and lectured at 7:30 p.m., the same proved an excellent effort. Mr. A. Gilbert has been appointed manager of the Douglas Detective office at Paris, Texas.
December 16, 1922
Honey Grove - The following lodges held their election on their first meeting in this month: Library Grove no. 2643, G. U. O. of O. F.; Noel Tatu, N. G.; Leon Yoakum, V. G.; Sam Stell, P. N. G., Jessie Walcott, E. S.; Ivan Smith, P. S.; A. J. Perdure, W. T.; Jessie Bogans, W. C.; I. J. Allen, N.F.; Edward Walcott, P. N. F.; Sam Lewis, Warren.
Free Will Lodge No. 96 - K. of P., A. J.Perdure, C. C.; John Brown, V. C.; I. J. Allen, K. of R. & S.; W. H. Taylor, M. of F., Horace English, M. A.; Peter Calloway, Prelate; T. A. Smith, M. of W., I. J. Allen, representative of Grand Lodge.
Mrs. Annie Hall of Roxton is in the city on business. Rev. L. P. Prince preacher four nights last week for the A. M. E. people. Rev. J. P. Lynn left last week. Rev. J. Williams preached at the 8th Street Baptist church Sunday at 11 o'clock and at 7 p.m. Collection $12.00. Sunday school is still improving. Teachers meeting was held at the residence of Mrs. S. Moore. After business refreshments were served to the delight of all. News reached us that the Rev. L. K. Williams of Chicago, Ill., a former Texas was elected President of the National Baptist Convention.
January 20, 1923
Honey Grove - Eastland Baptist Sunday school was well attended Sunday. Miss Lillie Mae Couch is back in school. The Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. S. A. Moore; splendid meeting. The First Progressive club will have an entertainment at the home of Mrs. S. Loggins. The Deaconness Board will have a tea at the home of the chairman, Mrs. M. B. Bogans, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Carrie Brisco announces the marriage of her grand daughter, Miss Ladore Hawkins to Mr. Albert Bowers, Wednesday evening, Jan. 24, at Eastland Baptist church, Jan 1314, the first quarterly conference held its meeting at St. Paul C. M. E. church. Rev. J. H. Hughes, P. E. Rev. Hughes preached an excellent sermon; one accession; collection $36.05. The visiting preachers were Revs. Coleman, Smith, Logan, Brown and J. A. Walton. The Ladies Progressive club met with Mrs. Allen Thursday afternoon.
February 17, 1923
Honey Grove - On Feb 4, Rev. G. W. Williams and Rev. L. P. Price occupied their respective pulpits. News reached here that they found oil at Ladonia. Sunday School at Eastland was good. Brother Chas. Deadmon died the 8th and was buried Friday. There will be a meeting of the Missionary Society Monday evening at the president's home. Mrs. Houston died suddenly Friday morning.
The Ladies Progressive Club met with Mrs. West Thursday afternoon. After attending to business delicious refreshments were served.
February 24, 1923
Honey Grove - Service was well attended. Rev. G. B. Williams preached two sermons which were enjoyed by all who heard him. Mrs. F. L. Sublett of Dallas is here at the beside of her niece. The Deacons board gave a tea at the residence of Mrs. N. Guest Friday night. Mrs. L. E. Shaw and children returned from Paris last night. Our agent is a live wire - help him to boost the paper. Give him your subscription. Mrs. Moody, national Worthy guardian of the Juvenile Department of the American Woodmen was a very welcome guest at the Ladies Progressive club Thursday. Her address was timely and enjoyed.
March 10, 1923
Honey Grove - C. M. E. Church services were well attended Sunday. S. S. Lesson was enjoyed by all. St. Paul A. M. E. church services were well attended Sunday. Owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. Samuel occupied the pulpit. Mrs. Isadore Bowers of Windom, Tex., is here. Mr. Walter Griffins of Ladonia was here last eek visiting relatives and friends. Rev. G. B. Williams was at his post Sunday; he will have a series of meetings this week. Little Lilly Bell Coleman died Feb. 24, 1923. Prof. J. W. Taylor was in the city from Wolfe City. Mrs. Humphrey of Los Angeles is here in the city.
March 17, 1923
Honey Grove - Mrs. Susie Moore and little Louise and Mr. Wortham made a trip to Wolfe City Sunday. Rev. H. B. Evans passed through Saturday on his way to Blue Prairie. The pastor of the C. M. E. church occupied his pulpit Sunday.
April 14, 1923
The following averages were made by the graduating class, Lottie Yoakum 100 per cent. T. F. Shaw 95 per cent, Lauretta Nicholson 85 per cent, Dounie Perdue 75 per cent; Sarah Smith 76 per cent; Willie M Calloway, 75; and Lillie M. Couts, 75 per cent. Miss Ernestine Childs of Wolfe City was guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Moore last Sunday. The American Woodmen local camp rendered a public program Thursday night at Eastland Baptist church. Mrs. Allie Caldwell passed through en route to Pecan Gap and was a pleasant visitor at the Bralley high school. Mrs. Jemina Taylor was called to Callas to attend the funeral of Mrs. Precious Lewis. The Ladies' Progressive club met with Mrs. Walter Terrell Friday evening; a nice luncheon was served.
April 28, 1923
Honey Grove - Miss A. L. Jones, one of the city teachers, spent the weekend in Paris. The Stereopticon entertainment given by Dr. Scoo and Mr. Emerson J. Scott Friday night was very worthy of note. It showed many leading characters of our race. Mrs. H. R. Seay of Bonham spent the weekend with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. A. J. Perdue. Prof. and Mrs. W. J Taylor spent a few hours at home Saturday, motoring over from Wolfe City. Rev. G. B. Williams was here a few days assisting Dr. Scott in his institute work. Miss Mildred Franklin of Brookton spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Odessa Logan. Mrs. Clydie Bradlel of Fort Worth is visiting her sister, Mrs. Susie Washington. The Honey Grove boys played Wolfe City yesterday evening.
May 5, 1923
Honey Grove - Dr. Roberts (white) of Los Angeles, Cal., was here last week to give medical aid to Mrs. Jeff Logan. The Home Mission Society rendered a nice program Sunday night at Eastland Baptist church. Lawyer Durham of Greenville was a visitor in the city this week and visited the Baptist Sunday School making an excellent address to the school. He is a very promising young lawyer. Mrs. Nina Bagby and Mrs. Willie Allen left Saturday night for Parsons, Kans. Miss Minnie Ever Dale of Bonham spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Noal Tatum. Mrs. F. M. Brown and the Seay family spent a few hours in the city motoring over from Bonham. The ladies Progressive club met with Mrs. I. J. Allen Thursday evening. A nice luncheon was served. Rev. Starks, the P. E. of the A. M. E. will preach here Monday night.
May 12, 1923
Honey Grove - Mr. Haywood Wortham who has been visiting in Dallas, Ft. Worth and other points has returned and reports a fine trip. The American Woodmen Camp is making preparation to entertain Deputy Allen Wednesday night, May 9th. Miss Jimmie Smith passed through Monday morning and was a pleasant visitor at Bralley high school. The Ladies Progressive club met with Mrs. Dave Higgins last Thursday; a delicious menu was served. Eastland Baptist church is doing splendid work under the leadership of Rev. G. B. Williams. Misses H. M. Slaughter and R. D. Pendleton were in from their schools to spend Sunday with their parents. The citizens of Honey Grove are very anxious for a good Colored doctor to practice here.
May 19, 1923
Honey Grove - The Odd Fellows and H. H. of R. had their annual sermon preached Sunday evening at Eastland Baptist church by Rev. G. B. Williams, Mother's day was observed at the different churches with special program. The commencement exercises of Brallely high school will be held at the same place Thursday and Friday nights, May 24 and 25th. Mrs. Sam Seay of Bonham, Messrs. Kirkpatrick and Henry of Sherman; Miss Jimmie Smith and Mrs. Jackson of Ladonia were visitors in the city Sunday the guest of Prof. J. W. Pendleton and wife. The Laides Progressive club met with Mrs. Simmie Moore; a nice luncheon was served. The Mayflower entertainment given by the C. M. E. church was quite a success. Mr. Percy Smith, the Insurance agent of Paris is here this week. Rev. L. S. Lamb was in Bonham last week.
May 26, 1923
Honey Grove - Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams of Wichita Falls is here visiting relatives. The musical given by Eastland Baptist choir last Friday night was a treat to all present. Mrs. Fannie Humphrey left last Thursday for Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Flora Scharolette of Dallas was here last week visiting Mr. Jeff Logan. Mrs. A. A. Houston, the Dentist Starlight band directress was here this week. Master T. W. Smith was given first prize for raising the largest amount of money for the Sunday School on Mother's Day. The rally for raising money to purchase a piano for Bralley high school resulted in the primary department raising the greatest sum. The baccalaureate sermon for the graduates of Bralley high school will be preached at 10 o'clock at the 8th Street church Sunday, May 27th by Rev. L. S> Lamb. The commencement exercises will be held Monday night, May 28th at the Odd Fellows hall. J. W. Jamison and treasurer of the U. B. F. and S. M. T. of Texas visited the lodges last week. Misses R. D. Pendleton and H. M. Slughter have closed their schools at Telephone and report a fine closing and successful term.
June 2, 1923
Honey Grove - U. B. F. and S. M. T. rendered their annual Thanksgiving services Sunday, May 27th at the 8th Street church, Rev. L. S. Lamb preached for them a very able sermon. Mrs. Flora Scharolette of Dallas is visiting relatives. Prof. W. J. Taylor and wife motored over from Wolfe City to witness the undergraduating exercises Thursday and Friday nights. Mrs. Pinkney Erskin of Bonham spent Sunday in Honey Grove, visiting relatives. At the recent board meeting of the Honey Grove public schools, Prof. J. W. Pendleton and wife were re-elected. The third teacher is to be supplied. Mrs. Iceola Wheeler of Ladonia is visiting her mother, Mrs. Brown. Miss Nanon Perdue and Mr. N. H. Pendleton have returned from Bishop College. Mr. N. H. Pendleton received a Bachelor of Science degree. Miss A. L. Jones, made a flying trip to Paris, Saturday. Mrs. Sam Seay, Prof. H. R. Seay and wife and Miss O. M. Seay motored over from Bonham, Thursday night to witness the primary program. Mr. White, a student of Bishop College was the guest of Miss Nanon Pedue last week.
June 9, 1923
Honey Grove - Miss Bonnie Frazier left Saturday for Ivanhoe, Texas to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gray. The graduating exercises of Bralley high school given last Monday night May 28th was said to have been the best the school has every had. The following is a list of the graduates of the class '23: Misses Willie Mae Collaway, Lillie May Couts, Laura Etta Nicholson, Tommie Franklin Shaw, Sarah Smith, Donnie Perdue and Lottie Yoakum. Laura Etta Nicholson won second honors and Lottie Yoakum won first honors. The Ladies Progressive club met with Mrs. A. J. Perdue, a delicious menu was served. Miss Lorena Silas of Bonham was the guest of Miss Classie Loggin last week. Mrs. J. W. Pendleton was in Bonham last week to witness the graduating exercise of the Booker Washington high school. The drive by the U. B. F. and S. M. T. is meeting with a success. Mrs. Flora Miles of Bonham was here last week. Messrs. Noal Tatum and M. J. Johnson were in Bonham, Wednesday to attend the graduating exercise.
June 16, 1923
Honey Grove - Miss Nanon Perdue has returned from Bonham where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. H. R. Seay. Rev. Evans passed through Saturday en route to Telephone, where he pastors. The box entertainment given by the Y. W. A. at Eastland Baptist church was a financial success. Rev. G. B. Williams is doing a splendid work at Eastland. Prof. and Mrs. J.W. Pendleton royally entertained the graduates at their home on last Friday night. A three course luncheon was served. Among the honorary guests were Miss Nanon Perdue and Mr. N.H. Pendleton, B. Sec., Mrs. Sam Seay and Prof. and Mrs. H. R. Seay, Prof. J. W. Taylor and wife are home after closing a successful school term at Wolfe City, Texas. Mrs. Jemima Taylor and Mrs. Bettie Jackson were in Wolfe City, last week to witness the school closing.
June 23, 1923
Honey Grove - Mrs. Ida Lewis, Misses Allie Jackson, Mattie Perdue and Donnie Perdue motored to Telephone with Rev. Evans last Saturday and were the guest of the McKnights. Miss Daisy Gray has returned to Ivanhoe, after a week's visit with Miss Bonnie Frazier. The knights and Daughters of Tabor had their annual sermon preached Sunday at the 8th Street church, Rev. G. B. Williams, officiating. Mrs. Susie Moore has returned from Gainesville where she attended the Y. W. A. She reports a grand session. Mr. Haywood Wortham was in Dallas last week on business. Aunt Teed Yoakum spent Sunday in Ladonia. Mr. Henry Taylor is able to be up again after a week's illness. There is to be a union celebration of the 19th of June by the churches of this city on the 8th street church park. Aunt Ellen Bagby sister, Mrs. Mary Owens.
June 30, 1923
Honey Grove - The Juneteenth picnic given by the churches of the city was a financial success and it was the most largely attended gathering the city has ever had. Among the features of the day was a baseball game between Brookston and Honey Grove. Mr. Ottaway, an old citizen died here Saturday and was buried Sunday. Mrs. William Coates of Denison is here visiting her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Ballanger. Misses Wilet Allen and Nin Bagby of Kansas City are here visiting their mother, Mrs. Hettie Logan. Miss Myrtooy King was in the city last week, the guest of Miss Henrie M. Slaughter. Read the Express. It is a race paper. it is for sale every Saturday at Kidd Harris' barbershop.
July 7, 1923
Honey Grove - Rev. L. H. Lynch of Bonham was in the city last week and preached two nights at Eastland Baptist church for Rev. Williams. The rally Rev. Williams had on closed Sunday night, amount raised was $116.94. The circle under the direction of Mrs. Tom Smith raised the largest amount in the rally. Mr. Percy Smith and his bride, Mrs. Rosa Hill Smith stopped over in our city, a few days. They were en route to Paris, their future home. Mr. Smith is a Honey Grove boy and we are proud to hear of his good luck. The juvenile department of the American Woodmen gave a picnic Saturday. Services at all the churches were good Sunday. Mrs. Starns, of Denison, the District Deputy of the Heroines of Jericho was in the city last week in the interest of the Alberta Camp. Miss A. L. Jones has returned from Paris.
July 21, 1923
Honey Grove - Mr. Joseph Williams and Mr. Delbert Brown left for Davenport, Iowa Wednesday to fill positions as civil engineers. The Sunday school at E. B. church was well attended. Rev. Felix Logan, our delegate to the Sunday school and B. Y. P. U. convention made a splendid report. Pastor G. B. Williams was at his post Sunday and preached two able sermons. The E. B. choir which went to Greenville last week at attend the S. S. and B. Y. P. U. convention reflected much credit upon Honey Grove. The church of God is holding its convention here seemingly doing much good work. Mrs. Pauline Griffin of Chicago is here visiting her mother and grandmother. Her grandmother is ill and has been for some time. Mrs. Clarence Hunt and Lige Totum, Jr., motored over to Greenville last week.
July 28, 1923
Honey Grove - The ball game between Brookston and Honey Grove July 21st resulted in a score of 2 to 9 in favor of Honey grove. Quite a few of the people of Honey Grove attended the annual picnic at Wolfe City. The Colored school building is being repaired. Mrs. J. R. Swancey of Beuamont is here visiting relatives and to bring the Grand Lodge report to the Heroines of Alberta Court. Miss Bonnie Williams left Sunday for Brookston to visit her brother. Mr. Perene Frazier of Brooks was a pleasant visitor in the city last week. Mrs. J. C. Hart, Miss Grace Hart and Mrs. Rachel Hart came in from Dallas last week. Mr. Jim Aldredge of Paris motored over to visit friends. Sunday school at all the churches were well attended.
August 4, 1923
Honey Grove - The revival meeting being conducted at Eastland Baptist church is meeting with success. Sunday School was well attended with the spirit of the revival plainly demonstrated there. Mrs. Ella Taylor was call home from Ft. Worth to the bedside of her husband, Mr. Henry Taylor. The baseball game between Honey Grove and Bonham resulted in a score of 12-8 in favor of Honey Grove. Mrs. Butler of Wichita Falls is here helping in the revival. Mr. Robert Johnson and wife were in the city yesterday. Master Gerald Seay of Bonham is in the city visiting his sister, Mrs. C. M. Seay Pendleton. Mrs. Jessie Lee Thomas left for Denver, Colo., where she is now making her home. She had been here for some time visiting her mother, Mrs. Hettie Loggin.
August 11, 1923
Honey Grove - Rev. Felix Logan and wife made a flying trip Sunday morning to Hugo, Okla., to visit Rev. Logan's brother. Mr. Charlie Logan, Mrs. Naomi Rosemand and Mrs. Ollie Jackson are here visiting Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor. Mr. Jackson has returned to Fort Worth, where he resides. Honey Grove has lost one of her ablest citizens in the person of Mr. W. R. Taylor who departed this life Monday evening, July 30, about 6:20 p.m., funeral held at Eastland Baptist church Wednesday, Aug. l, 1923 4 o'clock p.m. Rev. G. B. Williams, master of ceremony, Mr. Taylor was strictly a fraternal man, having been in good standing in five secret organizations at his death. He leaves a loving wife, half brother, father, stepfather and a host of friends and distant relatives to mourn his death. Prof. and Mrs.H. R. Seay, who has just returned from Tulsa, Okla, were in the city Saturday visiting their parents, relatives and friends. Prof. Seay has returned to Bonham, his home. master Wm. Harris, Albert Smith, Ertie Smith and C. B. Smith motored over to Bonham, Sunday. Mr. Lee of Dallas, agency for the Mississippi Life insurance company, is in the city writing insurance. Rev. Jones of Bonham is to be here Monday night to assist Rev. G. B. Williams in his revival. Rev. Beasley who has been away from Honey Grove for about 19 years is here visiting relatives. He is now residing in Okla.
August 24, 1923
Honey Grove - After a prolong illness of about 2 or 3 months, aunt Ellen Bagby departed this life Wednesday evening Aug. 15, 1923. Funeral service held at Eastland Baptist church remains laid to rest in Cedar Hill cemetery. Aunt Ellen Bagby lived long and wrought well. She was well respected by both white and Colored joined Baptist 40 years ago during which time she proved herself a worthy christian. Aunt Ellen leaves 2 children, one sister and a host of grand children to mourn her lost. The Honey Grove ball club, played in Ladonia, Friday. The scores were 4 to 1 in favor of Honey Grove. the Lewis Jazz band playing its return engagement here Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Dr. Roberts (white) of California is to be here this week to treat Mrs. Vivian Logan who has been ill for some time. Mrs. Eumphrey of California who is Mrs. Logan's mother is to be here also. Eastland Baptist church, the Circles and the Deaconess are rallying to raise Rev. G. B.Willilam's fare to the National convention.
September 8, 1923
Mrs. Georgia Perdue left Sunday noon for Los Angeles, Cal., to attend the National Baptist Convention. Misses O. M. Seay and Clara Seay are visiting their sister, Miss O. M. Seay, will leave Tuesday to visiting other relatives prior to beginning her school work at Denton, Texas, which opens Sept. 10. Mr. N. H. Pendleton left Saturday for Wichita Falls to visit school friends before beginning his school, Sept. 10th. Mr. Jackson of Fort Worth is here visiting his wife, Miss Ollie Jackson is here visiting his wife, sister and brother-in-law, Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor.
September 15, 1923
Honey Grove - Eastland Baptist Sunday School and B.Y.P.U. were well attended Sunday, Mrs. Ella Taylor of Hot Springs, Ar., is here visiting friends and relatives. Mr. Hobart Harvey of Bethleham is visiting in Honey Grove. Mrs. Sam Seay and Master Gerald Seay were in Honey Grove Sunday visiting Prof. and Mrs. J. W. Pendleton, Prof. and Mrs. H. R. Seay. Miss Nanon Purdue motored over to Bonham, Sunday. Dr. Robert (white) of Paris came to see Mrs. Vivian Logan, Sunday, who has been sick for some time. She is some better at this writing.
October 20, 1923
Honey Grove - Sunday Schools were poorly attended on account of rain. The Messengers of the N. W. B. convention have returned. They report a pleasant trip and a very successful session of the convention. The Bralley Tigers with out a single scrimmage this year played Gibbon High with 13 - 0 in favor of Gibbon. Prof. H. R. Seay and wife motored over with a bunch of their school pupils to witness the opening game of the season. Mrs. Vivan Logan died Wednesday morning; she leaves a mother, husband and two children to mourn her death besides grandfather and aunts and cousins. The following are the out of town people attended the funeral, Mrs. Edmond Caston and Mrs. F. M. Booker, of Dallas, Mrs. Lizzie Beachem, Mr. and Mrs. Penkey Eskin, Mrs. H. R. Seay, Mr. Marshall Shipley of Bonham, Mrs. Mable Smelsen of Clarksville, Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor of Wolfe City.
October 27, 1923
Honey Grove - Professors Sampson, Hawkins and Bailey motored over from Paris to witness the game played by Dallas and Honey Grove. The Bralley High School boys crossed Dallas high school's goal line twice, netting a score of 12, while Dallas only crossed Bralley high's goal line once making 6 -12 in favor of Bralley high. The entire team did nice work. Wm. Harris made both touch downs. Richard Logan and Wm. Harris made successful runs around either ends every time call upon, Logan running 45 yards around Dallas left end carried the ball within 10 yards of Dallas' goal. Sunday school was well attended at Eastland Baptist Sunday school. The Baptist postponed all of services after the A. M. E. people over which Rev. L. P. Prince presides, Rev. G. B. Williams, pastor of Eastland Baptist church preached for Rev. Prince, he preached a noble sermon, subject, "You must be born again." Mrs. Docia Lane departed this life Sunday morning, Oct. 21, 1923, after a long illness. Mrs. Lane joined Eastland Baptist church during the summer revival. Rev. G. B. Williams presided at the funeral. Mrs. Lane leaves a husband, a host of other relatives and friends to mourn her death. She was a member of the American Woodmen. Mrs. Sadie Harris who has been living in Chicago for some times came in Saturday to spend the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Sr. Quite a few of Honey Grove people are in Bonham this week attending the show.
November 3, 1923
Honey Grove - Bralley High School gave a box supper last Wednesday night which was a success. The faculty and student body are working hard to supply the much needed play apparatus for the campus. Prof. H. R. Seasy of Bonham while here last week informed us that his girls are now ready to challenge any girl basketball squad in Texas for a game. Mr. Clifton has moved to Honey Grove. Mr. Thomas Hall's daughter who has been sick for some time is still confined to bed.
November 24, 1923
Honey Grove - Prof. and Mrs. Seay spent the week-end in Honey Grove with Mrs. Seay's parents. They brought a donation from Booker T. Washington High school of which Prof. Seay is principal and his wife assists him, to help pay Capt. T. C. Mile's doctor bill. T. C. is Capt. of Brally Tigers Honey Grove team and got his collar bone broken in the Bonham-Honey Grove game, Tues. Nov. 8th. The tie was pulled off last Tues. resulting in a score of 31-0 in favor of Honey Grove. The Bralley Tigers showed good form. Mr. A. J. Perdue made a business trip to Bonham. Rev. J. B. Brown was in the city Thursday on Masonic business. Rev. G. B. Williams was at his post and preached a noble sermon. Rev. S. S. Lamb is to be with us another year. Mrs. Carrie Brisco who has been ill for some time is able to be up again.
December 1, 1923
Honey Grove - Mr. Chas. Logan of Hugo, Okla., was a pleasant visitor here Sunday. He was here visiting his mother, sister and brothers. He was with us in the B. Y. P. U. services, made a splendid lecture and some very valuable demonstrations of his work in Oklahoma in Christian endeavor work. We were all glad to see Mr. Logan and note his success as he is an old Honey Grove boy. Mr. Wheeler of Ladonia spent the weekend here with his wife, Mrs. Iceola Wheeler who is employed as a teacher in Bralley High School. The Bralley Tigers played Clarksville Tuesday 14-14. On account of having the two games so close together and several of the first string men not being able to play. We played Paris 8-0 favor of Paris Friday of the same week. The public schools of Honey Grove are loosing one of the most valuable men connected with them, we, the teachers and pupils regret very much the loss of our Supt. Prof. L. F. Connell who has resigned. Mr. T. A. Smith was called to Denison, Friday to attend the bedside of his sister, Mrs. Mollie Flenaugh who is very sick. Lawyer Durham was in the city last week on business. The Wiley singers will appear at the Odd Fellows hall Wednesday night Nov. 28.
December 8, 1923
Honey Grove - On account of the inclemency of the weather the rally at Eastland Baptist church was not carried out in full. The schools in town closed Wednesday for Thanksgiving resuming work Monday, Dec. 3. Mr. William Lewis celebrated his 82nd birthday Sunday evening with dinner. The following relatives and friends were present and wished Uncle Willie a long and happy life beyond his already 82 rolled up years. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pendleton, Mrs. J. M Taylor, Mrs. Bettie Jackson and son, Mr. D. L. Pendleton, Mrs. Ellen Thompson and children. The Bralley high school intended to close its foot ball season Thanksgiving did not get to play the game, hence we are looking to play Greenville son and close our calendar. We have played 7 games this season and lost two. Miss O. M. Seay motored to Honey Grove Saturday last with Prof. and Mrs. H. R. Seay of Bonham. Miss O. M. Seay came in from her school work in Denton to visit her mother, Mrs. Willie Seay and family and extended her visit to her sister, Mrs. C. M. Pendleton of Honey Grove.
December 15, 1923
Honey Grove - Deputy Grand Master J. W. Jamison of U. B. F. and S.. M. T. of Texas came in Friday night and spoke at Eastland Baptist church to an appreciative audience. We had a splendid lecture and feel that much good was derived as it has been the talk also some visible evidences are here from the start the people are making towards flocking into the grand old order. The Bralley Tigers, Honey Grove played Ross high school, Greenville, Friday, Dec. 7, 12 19 favor of Bralley Tigers, Honey Grove. This was a very fine game, last quarter, only threatened the Tiger's goal once up to the fourth quarter. The funeral of Mrs. Flenough, daughter of Mrs. Winnia Smith was held in Honey Grove Thursday, the body being shipped here from Denison. Mrs. Flenough was a sister to Messrs. Bluford and Tom Smith of Honey Grove, the writer was not acquainted with the deceased but have known the two brothers for 20 years and the mother also father died some time ago. One of the most respected familys of this district, widely known and loved. The relatives of this part of the state were in attendance at the funeral as well as the out of town relatives, Mrs. Mattie Cason of Hollinville, Okla., Mrs. Notie Johnson, Denison, Texas, Mrs. Jessie Sunders, Fort Worth and Mrs. Fannie Flourney were among the out of town relatives.
December 22, 1923
Honey Grove - The rural teachers of this section of the county are attending the county teachers institute this week. Eastland Baptist church rally closed Sunday. Honey Grove Schools closed Friday for the Christmas holidays to open Jan. 2, 1924. Mr. Brice Coleman died last Wednesday, he came home sick and lived only a few days. Brother J. W. Jamison, Grand Treasure of U.B. of F. and S.M.T. of Texas stopped over in Honey Grove Saturday night en route for Clarksville, his home form Bonham, where he has been for several days working in the interest of the Order, he reports a splendid success.
January 5, 1924
Honey Grove - Mr. Willie Brown Jr. cam in Saturday from Davenport, Iowa to spend Xmas with his parents. Bralley High School gave a Xmas tree Friday. There were quite a few parents and visitors present. The school children enjoyed very much seeing Santa Claus. Mrs. C. M. Pendleton is spending Xmas with her mother, Mrs. Willie Seay of Bonham. Master Richard Logan, quarterback for Bralley Tigers, is spending Xmas in Hugo, Okla., with relatives. Misses Ruth and Ida Pendleton came in Friday evening from Bonham where they attended the County Teachers' Institie They report a splendid institute. The State Superintendent addressed the institute. Miss Nanon Perdue is here from school, Bishop College, spending Xmas with her parents. Miss Perdue made a splendid address to the Sunday School. She is in the Senior College Class of Bishop College. Mrs. Mildred Seay is spending Xmas with parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Perdue.
January 12, 1924
Honey Grove - Mr. and Mrs. Bluford Smith celebrated their (40th) fortieth wedding anniversary, Dec. 25th with a family re-union. The children out of town were Mr. Peter Smith of Tulsa, Okla; Mrs. Lula Lewis, Forth worth, Texas; Mrs. and Mrs Omer Bowers. There were quite a deal of valuable presents presented to the happy couple. Rev. G. B. Williams was at his post Sun. and preached two noble sermons. Mr. S. O. Platt of Denison accompanied the body of Mr. Flenaugh [Flournay] to Honey Grove, where the F. A. Masons took charge of the body and buried with Masonic rights. Mr. Peter Smith returned to Tulsa, Okla., Saturday after a visit of some 8 or 10 days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bluford, Smith, Mrs. Carrie May Jahes has returned from Hugo Okla., where she spent the Christmas with her parents. Miss Price of Terrell and brother are here visiting friends. Mr. Lige Tatum, Sr. and Miss Lula Lane were quietly united in holy wedlock at the grooms home Sunday afternoon. The attendance of Bralley high increased to the extent that the auditorium would not seat the students.
January 26, 1924
Honey Grove - Mrs. Flora Scorlett left for Los Angeles, California, Tuesday. Mrs. Iceola Wheeler, one of the teachers in Bralley high school, spent the weekend at home. Wednesday, Jan 16 was aunt Ida Lewis' birthday. In memory of her work to the society and the town in general, the Missionary Society gave aunt Ida a surprise birthday party. Sunday night the choir of Eastland Baptist church rendered an excellent program. Rev. Felix Logan received his license as a minister of the gospel. They were presented by Rev. G. B. Williams. Among the visitors to Bralley high school for Jan. Rev. J. H. Hughes of Greenville, Texas, presiding elder of A. M. E. church for this district who made a very interesting and instructive lecture to the school. Rev. Wadletor, pastor of A. M. E. church also gave us a very appreciative talk.
February 16, 1924
Honey Grove - Miss Henry Mae Slaughter has returned to her work after a week or more at the bedside of her mother who has been sick for some time. Misses Ruth and Ida Pendleton came home from their work Friday to visit the bedside of their step-mother, Mrs. A. L. Pendleton who has been sick in bed for more than a week. Mrs. Iceola Wheeler went home Friday evening at attend the funeral of her father-in-law. Mr. A. J. Perdue has returned from Atlanta, Ga. where he was called to attend the funeral of his sister. He brought little Miss Rowe with him who entered Bralley Monday. Miss Rowe is Mr. A. J. Perdus' niece.
March 1, 1924
Rev. Felix Logan delivered an excellent sermon Sunday night at Eastland Baptist church. Mr. A. J. Perdue was called to Windom to take charge of a body. Mrs. F. M. Booker came in last week from Dallas to attend the bedside of her mother, Mrs. A. L. Pendleton who is recuperating. The Bralley high school gave a Washington birthday program Friday night at Odd Fellows Hall to a crowded house. The proceeds of which went to pay the doctor bill of T. C. Miles who was injured during the football season. Among the out of town people attending the Washington celebration were: Mr. Wheeler of Ladonia; Prof. and Mrs. H. R. Seay and Mrs. Sam Seay, Bonham. Many Honey Grove people are planning to attend the District board (N. W.) at Bonham this week.
March 8, 1924
The A. M. E. church is looking forward to the coming of Bishop Johnson on March 11th. Miss Mareda Lange who is attending Bralley High spent a few days with her parents last week at Telephone. Mrs. Ida Lewis, Mrs. Chherry Gray, Mrs. Noal Tatum and daughter Mary Alice were in Bonham last week visiting and attending the District Board. Our pastor Rev. G. B. Willliams preached Friday night in Bonham to the Association, his choir accompanied him there and furnished music for that night. Eastland has some choir. Rev. J. R. Swancy was in the city last week. Mrs. Eva Potts of Ravenna is in the city attending the beside of her mother. Mrs. Brown who has been very ill but is much better. Rev. Felix Logan has been elected president of the B. Y. P. U. of this District. Miss Willie Mae Calloway, a student of Gibbons High, Paris, spent the week-end at home with parents. Mrs. J. W. Pendleton spent the week-end in Bonham.
March 22, 1924
Honey Grove - Bishop Wm. D. Johnson paid a visit to the A. M. E. church here Tuesday and preached a noble sermon to a crowded house. After the services a banquet was given in his honor at the Odd Fellows Hall. The entire town in addition to the members of the local A. M. E. church are proud of Bishop Johnson and appreciate his visit, also feel the helping influence. Prof. Herman Smith closed his school at Rocky Point Friday without a concert on account of inclement weather, but he hopes to return and give his closing exercises. Mr. D. L. Pendleton made a flying business trip to Paris last wee. Bralley High is practicing for a concert to be given the latter part of this month, one notable feature or number is "The Pink in Kizzies Wedding." The manager, Mr. Will Taylor better known as (son) informs the public that he is now beginning his season of baseball, will play the opening game next Sunday with Ladonia. Mrs. wheeler a member of the facultly of Bralley High was confined to her bed several days last week. Mrs. Eva Potts of Ravenna was in town last week to see her mother who was sick but is now able to be up again.
March 29, 1924
Honey Grove - Rev. Felix Logan has bought the McFarland lot and built a beautiful home on same. Professor and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, both teaching in Wolfe City spent the weekend in Honey Grove which is their home visiting relatives. Mr. Odell Givens came in one day last week from Fort Worth, where he has been for year. Mr. O. T. Calaway is at home again. On account of a shortage in fuel Bralley high school was closed two and a half days last week. The school resumed work Thursday after closing Monday. The local Lodge of Knights of Pythias will have their annual Thanksgiving services Sunday, March 30th at 3 o'clock p.m. The Fannin County Baptist Association meets next Sunday, March 30 in Ladonia.
April 5, 1924
Honey Grove - The Baptist choir went to Ladonia Sunday evening to render music for the Fannin County Baptist Association. The M. E. Church has organized a Junior choir. Mrs. Alice maize left Saturday for Arizona. The exhibition game Sunday between Honey Grove and Ladonia resulted in a score of 11-2 in favor of Ladonia. Mr. Simmons, past vice chancellor of K. of P's spoke for the K. of P's Sunday at the Thanksgiving services. The Masons and Heroines are to celebrate Palm Sunday April 13th with a public program and sermon. Mrs. Ida Lewis was in Ladonia last week attending the association. Mrs. Elizabeth of Slayton is here visiting relatives.
April 19, 1924
Honey Grove - The teachers of classes number 3 and 4 of Eastland Baptist church are giving an Easter egg hunt Friday evening for the children of their classes. The good women of Honey Grove have organized a Civic League and are making a splendid showing. Mrs. Tom Smith was elected President and Mrs. Lillie Boson, secretary. The League is to meet every Tuesday night until it will have met at every church in town after which it will not meet more than once a month. Rev. Lyon of Petty, Texas was in the city Sunday, bringing his family. He preached the Heroine Palm Sunday services. Miss Henrie Mae Slaughter spent the weekend at home.
April 26, 1924
Honey Grove - Rev. McGrew, a student in N. W. Baptist College, Denison, Texas, preached two excellent sermons at Eastland, Sunday for pastor G. B. Williams who was called to Gainesville to attend a funeral. The Easter program at the Baptist church Sunday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. Mrs. C. M. Pendleton spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Willie Seay of Bonham. Mrs. H. C. Biards children spent Sunday in Dodd City. Mr. Wheeler spent the weekend here with his family. Mrs. Lucy Lee who has been staying in Dallas for some time with her children, came in Saturday. Mrs. Erskin, Mr. and Mrs. Dale and Mr. Dewey Dale of Bonham and Mr. Robert Lee of Dallas, came down to greet Mrs. Lee on her arrival. Mr. A. T. Smith, a prominent business man of Honey Grove is to be buried here Monday evening, having died in Paris Friday evening.
May 3, 1924
Honey Grove - Mrs. Mable Grant is on the sick list; also Mrs. Sarah Nicholson. Rev. Felix Logan was called to Paris Sunday on business. Messrs. Thrailer and Rogers of Riverly are visiting in Honey Grove this week. Messrs. Thompson, Hunt, and Pendleton motored last Monday night to Riverly to witness the program given there by Miss Ruth Pendleton. Mr. Jeff Smith Jr. was in an accident while working for the Oil Mill Company at Bonham. Mr. A. T. Smith Jr. who was called home from school last week to the bedside of his father returned to school.
May 17, 1924
Honey Grove - Mrs. C. Evans is here visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S. Allen. Mrs. Juliette Jackson and Mrs. Elizabeth Butler returned to their home in Slayton after a few months visit with relatives. Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Logan entertained their Mothers and Fathers, Mrs. Logan and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Smith with a 0 o'clock breakfast as a token of their reverence and appreciation for them as Sunday Mother's Day. Master T. W. Smith has been on the sick list since Thursday. C. M. E. Mission Sisters met with Mrs. C. A. Miles this week. Prof. and Mrs. H. R. Seay motored over from Bonham Saturday. A party of Honey Grovites motored over last Friday night to Riverby to witness the closing exercises of the school taught there by Miss Ruth Pendleton and Prof. Doyle. A splendid program was rendered. Mrs. C. M. Pendleton spent the week-end in Bonham with her mother, Mrs. Willie Seay who is ill. Mrs. Mable Grant is visiting relatives in Sherman. The Odd Fellows made a splendid display Sunday in their annual thanksgiving services. Mrs. Leola Wheeler spent the weekend at home in Ladonia.
July 5, 1924
Honey Grove - Last Saturday morning June 28th, wedding bells rang again in our city. When Mr. George Stoneham of Iowa cam in and at 11:30 a.m. took as bride Miss Annie Lee Jones, one of Honey Grove's best, as well as beautiful young ladies, with Rev. F. W. Logan officiating. With only a few close friends to witness, they left immediately for Iowa their future home. The bride wore a traveling suit of beige color with hat and slippers to match. We hate to lose Miss Jones, but Honey Grove wishes them all the joy and happiness. Prof. W. J. Taylor has been on the sick list for the last week. Rev. Logan has been suffering from an infected toe. The play and Mock Wedding given under direction of Mrs. Eva Taylor for benefit of the Baptist Church was quite a success. Mr. and Mrs. Lias Tatum and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tatum motored to Ravenna to spend Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Logan from Hugo is visiting in the city also Mr. Jodie Carol of Chicago. Sunday was rally at at the M. E. Church.
The colored grocermen of Honey Grove wishes your patronage. Eastland Baptist Church is mkaing great preparation for the S. S. and B.Y.P.U. convention which is to convene here in July. Quite a number motored to Dodd City last week to the funeral of Miss Lizzie Mae Walcott. Mrs. Mary Burton is on the sick list. mr. Ivan Smith arrived from the Woodman Grand Lodge and report a splendid session.
July 12, 1924
Honey Grove - The citizens of Honey Grove celebrated the 4th and 5th of July with picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walcott entertained with a dinner Sunday in honor of his brother from Washington, Mr. English. Mrs. J. S. Allen has returned from Huntsville, Okla., where she went to the bedside of her mother. Her mother returned home with her. Mrs. Katherine Bills of El Paso is visiting relatives. Sunday was high day at Eastland, Rev. G. B. Williams delivering a powerful sermon. At 11 a.m. "Will a Man Rob God" and at 3 p.m. the Methodists worshiped with us and helped us out in the rally. Money raised in rally was $71.02. Rev. Lamb of M. E. Church delivered two excellent sermons at his church Sunday. Sick list, Mrs. Ida Lewis, aunt Matilda Outlet and Mrs. Mary Burton. The Old Folks Concert given under direction of Mr. D. L. Pendleton was a financial success which created much laughter. Mrs. Lizzie Ballenger, daughter and little son returned last Saturday from a month's stay in Dallas. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ewing a fine girl, mother and baby doing nicely. Services at St. Paul A. M. E. Church Sunday, with Rev. L. D. Carodine as pastor were excellent; two noble sermons were preached at 11 a.m. and at 8 p.m. The S. School is doing nicely and was well attended. Lesson beautifully discussed. Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor entertained the young people of Honey Grove last Thursday night with a party. Mrs. Ollie Jackson and little daughter of Fort Worth are visiting relatives. Mrs. Burton and Miss Theresa Griffith of Ladonia were visitors in town Saturday and Sunday. Mr. George Tatum of Fort Worth, spent Saturday and Sunday here as guest of his sister, Mrs. Keeton and Brother, Mr. Liash Tatum. Mrs. Helen Maxey and mother have returned home.
July 19, 1924
Honey Grove - Mrs. Evans has returned from Holensville, Okla. and is visiting her sister Mrs. J. S. Allen. Mrs. Ella Taylor has had some repair work done on her home. Aunt Matilda Outlet remains very low also W. M. Harris Jr. has been very sick for the last week suffering from Rheumatism. Rev. and Mrs. Logan and Mr. Ivan Smith were guest to dinner Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Johnson. Mrs. Mattie Reed and daughter Tommie Franklin has returned from Dallas where Mrs. Reed has been under treatment of a Dr. for her eye sight. Mrs. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton and mother of Sherman were pleasant visitors to Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Smith Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Carrie Brisco has returned from Windom where she has been visiting grand daughter. Prof. H. R. Seay was a visitor in town Saturday returning to Wiley University Sunday. Mrs. Henry Hopkins spent the weekend at Harmon with her mother. Mrs. McChesney, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Sewings have returned from Sunday School convention at Paris and report a grand conventon meeting. Rev. A. R. Starks, P. E. of the Bonham District held the 3rd quarterlly conference at St. Paul A. M. E. Church. Quite a successful meeting. The sermon preached by him was enjoyed by all who heard him. The choir rendered special music; collection $23.60. Mrs. Mattie Bogan has had some repair work done on her house which shows great improvement. Mrs. Sarah Nicholson is still on the sick list. Anyone wishing the Dallas Express may get same by seeing reporter Esque L. Logan or F. W. Logan.
July 26, 1924
Honey Grove - The S. S. and B. Y. P. U. Convention held here was a success; large delegation. Rev. B. G. Williams was elected President of the convention succeeding Rev. M. K. Curry of Fort Worth. The convention will be in Denton, Texas next year. Arrivals: Miss Odessa Logan of Langston University, Mrs. Rachel Smith, Mrs. Edna Aldredge and Miss Grace Hart of Dallas. Rev. Perrine of the Zion District visited the convention also Rev. Gilmore of Wolfe City. Rev. Varner preached an excellent sermon at Eastland Sunday at 11 a.m. Rev. L. S. Lamb was at his post Sunday. Fine Services were reported. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hopkins died Saturday evening and was buried Sunday morning. W. M. Harris Jr. and Mrs. Outlet are still on the sick list. Mr. Lige Tatum, Jr. and Mrs. Lee Tatum and Mrs. E. L. Blackmon of Gainesville will leave Tuesday for Marlin, Texas. Mrs. Bird Coats is here from Dallas. Rev. Bailey will speak at the Baptist Church Monday night. The Baptist Church choir will render the music for the occasion. Mrs. Alice Keaton will leave Wednesday for Evansvill, Ill. to visit her son. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Allen entertained Prof. Wims of Denison, Mr. Smith and Rev. Williams with a three curse dinner Sunday. Mrs. Ethel Thruston and little son returned from Kansas City visiting her mother Mrs. Anderson. The house in which Mr. and Mrs. Peacock lived was completely destroyed by fire last week. The royal garden Orchestra of San Antonio played here last Monday night. Mrs. Sarah Nicholson is back in bed at the regret of her many friends. Rev. Samuel preached an excellent sermon at the Baptist Church Sunday night. Mrs. Gary entertained Mrs. E. Arlington Wilson and others with a sumptious dinner last Friday. The four Wonders quartet of Denison left Sunday after singing for the convention.
August 2, 1924
Aunt Matilda Outlet died Tuesday, July 22nd and was buried Wednesday morning at 10:00 o'clock. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Hughes of Greenville, Texas. The L. P. C. Club met last Thursday with Mrs. A. J. Perdue. Refreshments were served. The P. E. of the C. M E. church, Rev. Hughes has been conducting a revival for the last week. Quite a number motored over to Wolfe City to the annual picnic last week. Mrs. Winnie Smith left Sunday for Roxton, Texas, to visit her daughter. Rev. Wadleton of the C. M. E. church was at his post Sunday. Mr. A. T. Smith, Jr. was a pleasant visitor in White Rock last week. Mrs. Bird Coats has returned to Dallas. Sick list - Mrs. Lula Jones, Mrs. Sarah Nicholson, William Harris, Jr. Little Dorothy Mae Kirkland died Saturday after several weeks' illness and was buried Sunday at 3 p.m. Funeral conducted by Rev. F. W. Logan . Mrs. Marie Taylor and daughter of Roxton spent Sunday in Honey Grove as guest of Mrs. Ella Taylor. Rev. Cooper, assistant pastor of Macedonia, Dallas, was a pleasant visitor at Eastland Baptist Church Sunday. Mr. Frank Hopkins is enlarging his cafe. Arrivals - Mr. Horace Cater, Leo Higgs, Dallas; Mrs. Della Jones, Bonham. Mrs. Calwell made a special visit to the Household of Ruth last Ssaturday. Cream and cake was served. The A. M. E's report a good Sunday School, also a large attendance. Mr. Walter Johnson spent three days here last week as guest of Mrs. Willie Mae Fuller, also Mrs. Archie Nealy was guest of Mrs. Edna Aldredge. On last Thursday, Mrs. Aldredge entertained them to a six o'clock dinner. Mr. Nealy and Johnson left Saturday for their home, Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Author Wheeler and family arre visiting Mrs. Wheeler's mother. Mrs. Mable Logan of Hugo, Okla., made a flying trip to Honey Grove. Ertieve Smith and Mrs. Miles spent last Monday night in Bonham.
August 16, 1924
Honey Grove - One of the saddest accidents that has every occurred in Honey Grove occurred last Saturday night about 10:45 when Mr. C. B. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Butler, Miss Ealeane Stull and two children were out car riding on highway No. 5 going west. The car ran into a wagon that had been lef on the road and turned over twice, bruising Mr. Smith. Mrs. Butler and Miss Stull was badly hurt. Mrs. Elm Maxey died last Sunday morning in Dallas, her body reached Honey Grove Monday for burial. Mrs. Carrie Brisco returned home Sunday from Sherman, where she went for a visit but became ill. Mrs. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and son, W. J. and Mrs.Young and Mr. Edgar Phillips of Oklahoma City spent last week in Honey Grove, as guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Smith and other relatives. Mr. J. S. Allen left last Monday for Houston, Texas to attend the Odd Fellows grand lodge.
A number of Honey Groveites motored to Bonham last week to a ball. Mrs. Francis Tatum and daughter Mary Alice returned Sunday from Bonham, bringing Mrs. Tatum's sister, Miss Minnie Eva Dale with them. Rev. Waddleton of the C. M. E. church was at his post Sunday with fine services throughout the day. Eastland Baptist church reports fine Sunday School and B.Y.P.U. services. Little Miss Maggie Floyd left Sunday for Clarksville. Mr. Noil Tatum and Mrs. Marby have returned from the Odd Fellows Grand lodge at Houston. Mr. Percy Smith has been on the sick list for the last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and mother of Roxton were the guest of Mr. and Mrs C. . . Miles Sunday.
August 23, 1924
Sons and Daughters Organized in Honey Grove. President R. C. Riddle of the Sons and Daughters of Mercy organized a local House in Honey Grove on the 18th inst., and the following officers were appointed:
Mr. Noel Tatum, President; Prof. John Pendleton, V-Pres.; Mrs. Lee Tatum, Sec-Treas.; Miss Ella Mae Harris, Auditor; Mrs. Sallie Harris, Chaplain; Miss Willie Mae Fuller, Master-at-Arms; E. D. Pratt, Inner-Guard; Wiley Harris, Outer-Guard; Wm. Harris, Jr., Marshall.
Honey Grove - Mr. Frank Civils came in last Monday from Kansas city and has since been stopping at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Liasah Tatum. Last Monday Miss Allie Jackson had as her guest to a six o'clock dinner, Mrs. Smith and quite a number other friends. Mrs. Temple Sewings and Miss Minerva Nolen returned Saturday from a weeks visit with relatives at Idabella, Okla. Mrs. Fannie Reese and daughter Ethel returned Monday from Ardmore, Okla.
Sick list: Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Brisco, Mrs. J. S. Allen and Miss Birdie Moore. Mrs. C. M. Pendleton is home from Tulsa, Okla. Rev. G. B. Williams was at his post Sunday. A noble sermon was preached Sunday night subject, "Waiting on God." Two converts were added to the church. Rev. Carodine was at his church Sunday. The rally was a success. Mrs. Hillburn of Hugo, Okla is visiting at the resident of Mrs. A. T. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowers of Windom spent Saturday and Sunday in Honey Grove with their grand mother. Misses Mattie and Donnie Perdue and Miss Elnora Thomas spent the week end on the river. Mrs. Ida Lewis is also there. Mrs. Smith, Aldredge, Mart Jack and Miss Grace Mart has gone to Dallas. Hart Jackson and Miss Grace Mart has gone to Dallas. Dr. Roscoe Riddle of Denison is here in interests of the Sons and Daughters of Mercy. Miss Minie Eva Dale is visiting her sister, Mrs. Noel Tatum. Dr. Riddle is also visiting Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tatum. Quite a number attended the funeral of Mrs. Maxey last Tuesday, which was a sad occasion. Honey Grove has lost a good, and noble woman but we hope our loss is Heavens gain; one daughter survives here and a number of relatives from here, Dallas and Denison were here to pay their last respects to this good woman. Mrs. Byrd Coats has returned from Dallas.
September 20, 1924
Page 8: The following news should have appeared in issue of Sept. 13th, but for lack of space, news was not printed.
Honey Grove - On last Wednesday morning the great monster death rode into Holingsville, Okla. and took from their midst a fine young woman, a noble character, in the person of Mrs. Mattie Cason. She was loved and respected by all who knew her and cam in contact with her. Mrs. Cason was born and reared in Honey Grove where she was loved and highly respected by all. The remains were brought to Honey Grove last Friday morning, On account of her Sister coming from Toledo, Ohio, the body was held until Monday. She leaves to mourn her a devoted husband, Mr. J. S. Cason of Holinsville, Okla., mother, Mrs. Easton, Honey Grove, father and brother, Okla. City, sister, Mrs. Livelyly, Toledo, Ohio, and a host of relatives and friends. Those who gave flowers, Compress Co. Compress boys, First National Bank, Mr. Jas Cason, Mr. E. B. Tromas, Okla., Eastern Stars, Ewel Thomas, Sam Turner, Carl Stamford, Miss Ware, Mrs. Eva Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Lott, Mrs. B. J. Barnett, Miss M. E. Redd, Mr. M. Wilson, Mr. Wade Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Douglass, Mrs. L Embers, Mr. Geo. Greenlow, Mr. W. A. alsen, Jrs. Jolli Coffey, Mr. R. L. Barcadley, Mrs. C. Chiles, Mr. Clide James, Dr. B. C. Chandler, Holingsville, Okla., Knights of Pythias and C.M. E. Church Honey Grove. The funeral address was delivered Monday evening at 3 p.m. by Rev. Carodine of the A.M.E. Church.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Yoakum a fine boy. Mother and son are doing nicely. Mrs. Willie Brown Denison is visiting Miss Classie Loggin. Mrs. Nina Bagsky left Sunday for her home in Parson, Kansas. Mrs. Sivley of Enid, Okla., is visiting at the residence of Mrs. Sewing, also Mrs. Swancy of Beaumont. Mr. and Mrs. D. Nicholson of Enid, Okla are home visiting relative and friends. Mrs. Fannie Mae Booker is visiting relatives. Mr. Jake Fuller of Dallas was called to Honey Grove to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Cason, also Mrs. Jarthenia Green of Hugo, Okla. Mrs. Daisy Higgins and little Virginia came in last night from Corsicana, where they have been visiting Mr. Dave Higgins All ministers were at their post Sunday; fine services were reported.
Page 2:
The body of Mrs. Mattie Cason of Holdensville, Okla. was brought to Honey Grove last Friday; the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Carodine of the A. M. E. Church on Monday evening at 3 p.m. Mrs. Cason will be missed at Honey Grove and home, Holdensville, where she was loved by all who knew her. She had a sweet and loving disposition which won for her many friends. She leaves to mourn her a loving husband, Mr. J. S. Cason of Holdensville, Mother Mrs. Eaton, Honey Grove, Sister, Mrs. Prown of Toledo, Ohio, Father and brother of Okla. and a host of relatives and friends. A number of floral offerings were sent from Holdensville, Dallas and Honey Grove. Mrs. Fannie Mae Booker of Dallas is visiting relatives. Mr. Jake Fuller of Dallas was called to Honey Grove to attend the funeral of his auntie, Mrs. Cason, also Mrs. John of Denison.
Mr. and Mrs. Yoakum are rejoicing over a fine baby boy. Mrs. and Mrs. Mathew Johnson and mother of Paris spent last Sunday as guest of Mrs. Rachel Logan. Mr. J. C. Hart and Mr. C. B. Smith motored to Dallas last Wednesday. Mrs. Hart returned home with them. Mrs. Swancy of Beaumont and mother of Enid, Okla. are visiting relatives. Rev. F. W. Logan spent last Sunday in Ladonia in interest of the B. Y.P.U. We regret very much to say that Mrs. Sarah Nicholson is still very ill. Miss Hennie Mae Slaughter and M. Ivan Smith motored to Ladonia last Tuesday. Mrs. Daisy Higgins and little Virginia have returned from Corsicana where they have been visiting Mr. Higgins. Mrs. Willie Brown of Denison is visiting Miss Classie Loggin. Mrs. Nina Bagsby of Parson, Kans. has returned home. Mrs. Willie Brown of Toledo, Ohio is visiting her mother, Mrs. Eaton, since the death of Mrs. Cason. Rev. A. Floyd had excellent service at Dodd City Sunday.
September 27, 1924
Honey Grove - Miss Lottie Yoakum left last Thursday to re-enter school at Ardmore, Okla. Mrs. and Mrs. J. Givens, Mrs. Mattie Carter, Mrs. Teed Yoakum, Mrs. Ellen Nicholson and Rev. Roquermore came in Monday from Mary Etta Okla. where they have been attending the Primitive Baptist Association. Mr. J. C. Hart had an accident by turning over his car on pavement east of Honey Grove Sunday night 8 p.m. Mrs. Rachel Tatum was slightly hurt, but the car was torn up. Mrs. T. A. Smith entertained as guest for dinner Sunday Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Pendleton, they will leave Tuesday for their home. Mrs. A. J. Perdue went to Paris Sunday where she is under treatment of the Doctor for her eyes. Before the paper can be printed again, wedding Bells will have rung in Honey Grove. Rev. G. B. Willilams was at his post Sunday; good services throughout the day. A one month's campaign was put on for every member bringing new members or the largest amount of new members, a prize will be awarded. Mrs. Mary Burton has been confined to her room for a week suffering with her ear. Honey Grove is badly in demand of a colored Doctor. Miss Ida B. Pendleton left last week for Bishop College. Mr. Joe Thompson of Denison is the new barber at Tatum Bros. shop. Prof. and Mrs. Ray Seay spent the week end in Honey Grove visiting relatives. Rev. A. J. Simpson filled Rev. Caroline's pulpit Sunday; excellent services were reported, the changing of ministers from one church to another was for the benefit of Paul Quinn College. Mrs. Willie Brown of Toledo, Ohio left Sunday, her mother Mrs. Eaton going as far as Denison with her. Mr. Nathaniel Pendleton has gone to take up his work in Corsicana as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pipe are having their house reshingled. The trial of Mr. Kid Harris for the murder of Mr. A. T. Smith will come up next Friday. Many people are expected to attend the trial. Mrs. Annie Hill was in Honey Grove Saturday selling her goods. Mrs. Gray entertained as her guest for dinner Sunday Mrs. J. R. Swanuy of Beaument. Little Miss Maygie Floyd has returned from Clarksville where she spent the summer vacation. An operation was performed on Miss Anna Belle Smith last Friday. She is reported doing nicely.
October 11, 1924
Miss Classie Loggin, one [of] Honey Grove's popular young ladies died very suddenly last Tuesday morning at her home on Railroad St., about 7 a.m. She had only been ill a few days and her condition was not thought to be serious; the result of Ptomaine poison. Classie was a girl of many friends, possessing, as she did a disposition that drew people to her and held them in a friendship that ended only in death. The funeral services were held at the Baptist Church at 3 p.m. Sunday; conducted by Rev. F. W. Logan. She leaves to mourn her three sisters, a father and mother, two brothers and a host of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor left to open school at Wolfe City last Monday. Bralley high School opened last Monday. The tenth grade was added. A goodly number of students are entering school at the beginning. Quite a few out of town visitors attended the funeral of Miss Classie Loggin Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Nicholson and Rubie Nicholson yet remain very sick. Horace English was knocked down by a car last Wednesday night and his leg was knocked out of place. Mr. Major Ellis of Wolfe City was a pleasant visitor in town last Sunday. Mrs. Randles of Roxton visited her sister Mrs. Eaton last Sunday. Honey Grove wants a first class Doctor.
October 18, 1924
Honey Grove - Miss Sarah Smith left last Monday for Houston College. Miss Odessa Logan left Sunday for Langston University. Mr. Richard Logan left for Sapulpa, Okla. to enter school. The Rev. Mrs. Jones has been conducting a revival meeting at the 8th St. M. E. Church for the past week. Mrs. Jones is a good speaker; those who failed to hear her missed a treat. Rev. Waddleton was at his post Sunday; good services reported. Rev. Asa Floyd preached at Dodd City last Sunday. Mrs. Mollie Nicholson of Gainesville was called to the bed side of her niece, Rubie Nicholson who is very low wick. Aunt Sarah Nicholson remains very sick. Miss Ethel Cooper has been confined to her bed suffering with ptomaine poison. Mrs. Seay visited her daughter, Mrs. Pendleton last Sunday. Mr. Joe Carrol Jr. spent Sunday in Bonham, also Miss Ella Mae Harris. Miss Myrtle King was in Honey Grove last Friday and Saturday night attending the Carnival. Mr. Masco Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. James Sanders left last Saturday for Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seay left Sunday for Bonham. See Miss Henrie Mae Slaughter for ladies coats, dresses, sweaters and skirts. Mrs. Ida Lewis has returned from the N. W. Baptist Association which convened at Sherman.
October 25, 1924
Honey Grove - Mrs. Willie Pittman was called to Dallas last Monday to the bedside of her husband Mr. Sam Pittman who is very sick. Miss Rubie Nicholson died last Tuesday and was buried Thursday. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Little John, assisted by Rev. Smith. She leaves to mourn her a host of relatives and friends. Mrs. Lois Lewis of Fort Worth is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. R._______. Mr. A. J. Perdue had charge of the body of Mr. Tucker of Dodd City last Sunday. All ministers were at their post Sunday. Sunday was high day with Rev. Lamb, this being his last Sunday in Honey Grove before he goes to the Annual conference. Rev. Williams of the Baptist Church preached a noble sermon for him at 3 p.m. Mrs. Fred Miles, Mrs. C. A. Miles, Mrs. Cheatom, Mrs. McCheaney and Aunt Silvly arrived Sunday from Roxton where they attended the quarterly conference. Mr. Tom Henderson has been suffering from a badly cut hand received while working at the Oil Mill last week. Mrs. Mary Ellen Taylor was called to Honey Grove to attend the funeral of her sister, Miss Rubie Nicholson. Mrs. Lee Tatum has been suffering with a run-around on her finger.
November 1, 1924
Honey Grove - Mrs. Sarah Nicholson remains very low sick, her relatives from Dallas and San Antonio are at her bedside. Mrs. Willie Mae Fuller is visiting her mother in Dallas. Mrs. Asa Floyd went to Dodd City last Saturday evening to marry a young couple of that place, he remained over and held services there Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Mae Booker left last Saturday for New York City. Mrs. Alice Mays came in last Saturday from Tucson, Ariz., where she spent the summer. Rev. Waddleton of the C. M. E. held services Sunday morning at 11:00 and at night Rev. J. P. Luton of the white Methodist church spoke for him at 3 p.m. to a good audience. Mrs. F. Allen, E. Logan, J. Miles and B. Crisp and Minerva Nolen motored to Paris. Prof. Halbert of Paris was in Honey Grove Saturday in interest of the "Eagle" of which he already has a goodly number of subscribers. Miss Ethel Cooper and Mr. Albert Smith were visitors in Bonham last Sunday. Mother Chandler visited the Holiness last week and conducted a three days' meeting. Rev. Lndley was also here in the meeting.
Mrs. Floyd and Mrs. Logan enjoyed a nice trip to Petty last Sunday. Good news has been received from Miss Odessa Logan who is attending Langston University, she wrote an essay which was sent to the state and she received the amount of $5.00 for the best essay that had been sent to the State.
November 8, 1924
Honey Grove - Mr. Joseph Williams of Davenport, Iowa, came in last Monday and is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Allen on corner of East Railroad and 14th St., his wife, Mrs. Eva Williams, is all smiles. Mr. Joe Thompson, the barber at Tatum Bros. Shop was called to Dallas last Thursday on account of the death of his uncle. Mr. Dave Higgins of Corsicana came in the latter part of last week to visit his wife, Mrs. Higgins. Mr. Tom Jackson has been on the sick list for the past week. Everyone is glad to see Miss Ealine Stull out again after being badly bruised up in an automobile wreck, something like three months ago. Little Miss Eugenia Reynold has been absent from school this week on account of her hand. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Logan entertained as their guest for dinner last Sunday Mrs. Jessie Lee Thomas of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Nina Bagsby of Parson, Kans. Mrs. Sam Seay and little son has been visiting at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Pendleton. Mrs. Lula Lewis left Sunday for Fort Worth, her home, after a month's visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith, Mr. T. C. Miles and Mrs. Viola Shaw left last Saturday for Fredrick, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson of Dial moved last week to their home on Railroad St. and Mrs. Lizzie Balenger moved on the corner of 3rd and Railroad. Mr. and Mrs. E. H Smith and son, A. T. and Mrs. Terrell and Mrs. Calloway motored to Texarkana last week to the M. E. Annual Conference. Rev. Williams and Rev. Carodine were at their respective places last Sunday, excellent services reported. Rev. Carodine asked that every person in town be at his church next Sunday, Nov. 9 at 3 p.m. to help close our his year's work. Mr Jake Fuller, formerly of Honey Grove, but now of Dallas, made a visit to Honey Grove the later part of last week, shaking hands with friends. Mrs. Mable Grant left last Thursday for Arlington, where she will spend the winter.
November 15, 1924
Honey Grove - Death has again visited our city and taken from among us our own beloved "Aunt Sarah Nicholson." She was an old citizen and a noble character, had been a Christian for 38 years being a member of the Primitive Baptist church. I know that God wanted her in Heaven to make it sweeter and purer. Heaven was made brighter from the moment she entered. It is because we know so little of the glories of Heaven that we are so saddened by the parting with friends. We must feel that they are not taken in anger, but in love and somewhere perhaps very close indeed they are safe and happy. She is survived by two daughters, Henrie Mae and Mrs. Ella Taylor. Funeral services conducted at Primitive church by Rev. Roquemore last Thursday evening. Mr. A. T. Smith left last Sunday for Wiley University. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fuller of Dallas are again making their home in Honey Grove. Mr. A. J. Perdue has purchased a new truck. Rev. Carodine of the A. M. E. church closed his year's work in Honey Grove last Sunday at 4 p.m. Quite a nice crowd witnessed his last address which was wonderful. Members of the different choirs took part in the song service. Mrs. F. M. Nicholson of Arlington is visiting friends in town. She will make an address at the Baptist church Wednesday evening, Nov. 12, everyone should hear her, she is an excellent speaker. Rev. Waddleton of C. M. E. was at his post Sunday and as usual good services reported. Rev. Sawyer is the new pastor at M. E. church. His introductory sermon last Sunday night proved him to be a wonderful and powerful speaker with such a man as this 8th Street should go over the top this year. Mrs. Mattie Reed is reported on the sick list. Miss Arlelia Lewis of Memphis, Tenn., and Mrs. Johnson of Denison are visiting Mrs. Eaton. Mr. Joe Clark of Petty and Mrs. Tommie Snell were married Sunday, Nov. 2nd at the home of the bride, Rev. Asa Floyd officiating. Refreshments were served. Sunday, Nov. 16th is rally day at Baptist church, everyone is invited. Come? Rev. Floyd held services last Sunday. Mrs. E. V. Logan, reporter.
November 22, 1924
Honey Grove - Mr. J. W. Pendleton went to Bishop College last Thursday to escort his sister Ida Belle home on account of illness. Mrs. Jessie Lee Thomas of Denver, Colo. who has been visiting her mother Mrs. Loggis since the death of her sister was called home on account of illness of her husband. Mrs. and Mrs. Albert Bowers of Windom has recently purchased a nice lot in West end known as the Lee lot. Cards are out for the wedding of Miss Minerva Nolen to Mr. Ezel Inglemon which will take place at the C. M. E. Church Nov. 26th
Arrivals - Miss Mattie Perdue, Dallas; Mr. T. C. mies, Fredrick, Okla.; Mrs. Mable Smith, Texarkana. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crocket have recently purchased a lot from Mr. Jim Keeton and is building on same. Mr. J. S. Allen's Cafe was burgalized last Thursday night. Mrs. Mattie Bogan is having another room added to her house. Rev. and Mrs. Asa Floyd are having their house worked on. Mrs. Rachel Tatum left Sunday for Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Lige Tatum, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ried motored to Paris last Thursday to carry Mrs. Mattie Reid to be placed under care of the Doctor at that place. Mr. Trice Miles has been layed off from the compress for a week on account of an accident while working. Mr. Jesse Pratt was united in marriage to Miss Genevie Beard last Sunday at 3:30 at the Baptist church quite a large crowd witnessed the wedding: Rev. G. B. Williams officiated. Rev. Johnson of St. Louis preached at the Baptist Church last Sunday at 4 p.m. to a good audience. Mrs. Estella Marby, Mrs. Susie Allen, Mrs. Ellen Bagsby and Rev. Corodine attended the A. M. E. annual conference at Denison last week. Mrs. Lonnie Bennett, Mrs. Dixie Madrey and Miss Etta DeJournett of Bonham were in Honey Grove Sunday. Mr. Charlie Evans fo Clarksville is visiting in town. The rally at the Baptist Church was a success; amount raised $80.00; total collected $93. Mrs. Tom Parker of Davenport, Iowa is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown.
November 29, 1924
Honey Grove - Mr. Wilburn Brown was united in marriage to Miss Cora Jordan last Thursday evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Asa Floyd. The Rev. Floyd officiating. The football game last Friday evening between Honey Grove High School and Paris High was a tight game, neither team being able to score. Eastland Baptist S. S. is growing rapidly. Mrs. Bettie Higgs and son Leo of Dallas were visitors in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miles are having some repair work done on their house. Last Sunday while Mrs. Fay Allen was entertaining guest for dinner her house caught fire. Rev. Jeff Smith preached at Mr. Maria last Sunday at 11 a.m. and at 3:30 p.m. a few of the Mt. Maria people came up and worshipped with the C. M. E. Rev. Logan preached a noble sermon at 3:30. Rev. and Mrs. Sawyer, who was sent to the M. E. church for the next ensuing year moved to Honey Grove last Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Prince of Terrell stopped over here a day and night last week after attending the annual conference at Denison. Rev. Carodine returned to the A. M. E. church to the delight of his people. Mrs. Jessie Lee Thomas and little son left for Dallas last Sunday. Little Miss Eugenia Reynolds is still not able to attend school. Miss Minerva Nolens, brother and cousin of Ida Belle, Okla. visited her last week. Rev. Waddleton of the C. M. E. Church closed his years work here last Sunday, which was high day with him all day. Money raised for the day $55.00. He leaves Wednesday for the annual conference at Marshall, Texas. Rev. Waddleton is a good christian gentlemen highly respected by all. His good people are hoping that he may return to them for another year. Prof. and Mrs. J. W. Pendleton have recently closed a deal with Mrs. F. M. Nicholson on her home place in the east part of town. Please get your news to Mrs. Esque Logan by Monday morning. I will be glad to report any that you may send me.
December 6, 1924
Honey Grove - One of the prettiest weddings that has every been in our little City was on last Wednesday evening, Nov. 26 at 8 p.m. when Mr. Ezel Inglemon took as his bride Miss Mineva Nolen. Immediately after the wedding a number of invited guests went to the home of the bride, where a reception was given. Mr. and Mrs. Inglemon received quite a number of presents. Mr. and Mrs. Inglemon are at home on N. 13th Street.
Last Friday evening while little Felix Cary was out hunting with a bunch of little boys, Ed Gorden had his gun cocked and accidently dropped it and fell, the gun being loaded and little Felix being in opposite direction from the way the gun was pointed it went off shooting Felix in the leg. He was brought home by a white man who was passing and was carried to the Dr. about 5 p.m. They though it necessary to carry him to Bonham to have his leg amputated which was done, but to no avail, he died Friday night at 12:05. His funeral was held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Eighth St. M. E. church by Rev. Sawyer. The funeral was indeed a sad one, he leaves to mourn him one brother, two sisters, a mother and a host of relatives.
Miss Odessa Logan and Mr. Richard Logan came in from school to attend the funeral of Little Felix Cary. Mrs. Mary Belle Logan of Hugo, Okla., Mrs. and Mrs. M. J. Johns and mother of Paris also attended the funeral.
Mrs. Hattie Payne is visiting her brother in Oklahoma. Mr. Ray Houston and sons left last Sunday for Kansas City where they will make their home.
Sick list: Mrs. D. L. Pendleton, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Bagsby. Mr. Felix Logan was in Paris last Friday on business. Mrs. J. W. Pendleton spent Thanksgiving at the home of her mother, Mrs. Seay at Bonham.
Honey Grove High School is in demand for another teacher. Mr. and Mrs Liash Tatum entertained quite a few Sunday to a turkey dinner.
Mrs. M. B. Grant of Arlington is visiting in town. Miss Henrie Mae Slaughter left Sunday to take up her school work. Mrs. Violet Brown is all smiles over another grand baby being born to Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler of Ladonia.
December 20, 1924
Honey Grove - The rent house owned by Mr. Sam Lewis in the eastern part of town, but occupied by Mr. Ben Fuller, was completely destroyed by fire last Saturday evening about 7:15 and another one of Mr. Lewis' houses was badly damaged, also the home of Mr. Luther Frazier, the Origin of the fire is unknown. Mr. Fuller and children did not save a thing. Now is the time to show our love and Christianity towards our friends and brother. Mrs. Willie Mae Fuller is on the sick list, and has been for over a week, also the infant of Mrs. Cora Cary is very sick. Mrs. M. B. Grant is indisposed. The Honey Grove high school boys went to Denison last Friday to battle against the Denison boys; it is reported the boys played a good football game, but neither team was able to score. Rev. Waddleton and Rev. Sawyer were at their respective places last Sunday. A great service was held at both churches all day. The M. E. P. E. was here and held their quarterly conference Saturday evening and preached Sunday at 11 a.m. and at 3:30; a love feast was had at 7 p.m. Rev. Sawyer preached an introductory sermon of the Lord's supper, after which the Lord's supper wad administered. Collection for the day was $19.80. Mrs. Virginia Keaton is expected to be called Commerce where she will nurse Mrs. Chaney (white). Mrs. Lee Tatum is able to be up again after being confined to her bed for a week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bonham last Sunday was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seay.
December 27, 1924
Honey Grove - Our City as well as others has had its share of bad weather this week. Rain, sleet, snow and severely cold weather caused church services to be poorly attended last Sunday. Mrs. Hattie Payne is at home after a visit at Beggs, Okmulgee and Tulsa, Okla. Mrs. Flora Scarlet of Los Angeles, California is visiting her father, Mr. Lewis and sister Mrs. Humphrey. Mr. Will Arbuckle is very sick at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Calloway on Railroad St. Uncle Bill Lewis is still confined to his room on account of illness; we hope for these good people a speedy recovery. Mrs. Alice Mays had been suffering severely since last Saturday with a sprained ankle which she received while out in the back year; she slipped on the ground which was frozen, her ankle has been causing her considerable pain since.
Miss Ruth Pendleton has been attending the institute at BOnham the past week. Miss Lucille Taylor is a new reader for the Dallas Express. Miss Elnora Thomas left Sunday for Little Rock, Ark. to spend the holidays. Miss Sarah Smith, who is attending school at Houston College, was called home last week to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Vern Smith, who is very low sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Williams left last Friday for Texarkana, where they will make their future home. Misses Rosa Lee and Merida Lang who are attending school here have returned to their home, Riverby, for the holidays, also Miss Ivy Gray and Sister returned to their home. Mrs. Jodie Miles was in Paris hopping last week. A beautiful home wedding was that of Mr. H. G. Briggs and Miss Ruth Pendleton on last Sunday at 6 p.m. Only a few close friends and relatives were present. Miss Pendleton is the accomplished young daughter of Mr. A. L. Pendleton. She has taught school for quite a few years and has been very successful. She is a very sweet girl and has a number of friends, who wish for her a happy and prosperous married life. The reporter does not know Mr. Briggs but we feel and believe he is a fine and industrious young man. We congratulate him on winning the love of one of Honey Grove's best girls. Mrs. Esque Logan entertained a few young people to a six o'clock dinner last Wednesday in honor of Mr. Logan's birthday. Let the reporter print your Xmas news. Thanking you for your past favors and wishing you a Merry Xmas and a happy New Year.