Cyclones and Tornadoes
From the Bonham Daily Favorite, May 5, 1913
Cyclone Strikes Honey Grove
One Person Is Injured and Property Damaged Several Thousand Dollars.
About 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon a cyclone struck this place and did considerable damage. It came from the south and was seen by several people fifteen or twenty minutes before it reached here.
The path was about 75 yards wide. First struck the earth about two and a half miles south of town, at the home of W. V. Greer; did no damage there, but picked up a son of Mr. Greer and carried him about 300 yards and put him back down on the ground. He was uninjured and walked back home. At Mr. R. E. Eversole's just south of the T. & P. tracks, the water tank was picked up and carried about 200 yards north and set down in the middle of the cotton patch. A telephone post on which all of the main wires of the S. W. Telephone Co. were strung was broken into several pieces and a part of it carried about three-fourths of a mile north of town and stuck up in the ground; tore off considerable of the roof of the compress. The Honey Grove Cotton Oil Company were the greatest sufferers. The smoke stack was blown down and considerable of the roof was blown away. Their loss is about $5000.00 On Market street the home of Chas Bryant was set off its blocks and the awning over the porch dropped down completely blocking the front doors. Between Market and Main a number of out houses were torn down. J. D. LaMaster's, Main and 15th, was slightly damaged and the ____ were blown off. The east room of a rent house of Mr. LaMasters was torn almost to kindling wood. In this room Mrs. Erwin, mother of Miss Lou Erwin, who is bookkeeper at the Oil Mill, was sick in bed. She was only slightly injured. The two west rooms of the house were left standing. Just west of this the house occupied by Mr. W. D. Owens was blown off its blocks and the porch was blown away. It then skipped about four blocks north where it again struck the earth, lifted up the east room of Beally James' residence, but no one was injured at that place. The twister then traveled in northwestern direction.
From the Bonham Daily Favorite, April 17, 1918
Cyclone Near Honey Grove
Heavy Hail and Wind Storm Also Visits Windom and Vicinity
Yesterday afternoon about 7 o'clock a cyclone passed through the country northwest of Honey Grove and touched the edge of Honey Grove.
No loss of life has been reported, but a number of houses were demolished in the path of the twister through the country and an exceedingly heavy damage done to crops by the hail. A small pool that stood in the path of the storm was emptied.
Baxter Roddy, a farmer, living near Honey Grove lost his residence and garage. He was standing in the door of his home when the hosue was razed. Roddy was several injured and a portion of his clothing was blown from his body. He stated that when he was struck by the wind that he had his vest on, but no vest could be found, but his watch that was in his vest pocket was afterwards found in the road.
A heavy wind and hail storm visited Windom and community last night causing considerable damage. It is reported that the hail was about two inches deep and the heaviest every witnessed in that section.