Chronology of Honey Grove
1835. In December 1835, Davy Crockett and friends made camp in a grove of trees near the present location of Honey Grove.
1842. Samuel Erwin arrived and built a log cabin.
1845, May. The Northern Standard of Clarksville, Texas, reported that it had "received a note from the Post Master at Honey Grove stating that there was a meeting on Saturday last, at Mr. David Peveler's on Honey Grove Creek, at which 66 persons were present, and adopted resolutions, without one dissenting voice, instructing their Representative to vote in favor of annexation."
1845. James G. Gilmer purchased 320 acres. He died in 1846, and he is the first recorded burial in what is now Oakwood Cemetery.
1847. B. S. Walcott opened the first store in Honey Grove.
1848. The townsite of Honey Grove was laid out and surveyed by Samuel Erwin. (Source: One Hundred Years)
1850. The first school was taught by Judge Rutherford.
1856. The Union Church was built for four denominations, the Baptists, Methodists, Cumberland Presbyterians and Christians.
1856. The hotel that came to be called the Smith Hotel was built.
1858. A flour mill was erected by B. S. Walcott.
1860 Honey Grove had 280 residents. (Source: One Hundred Years)
1870. The population of Honey Grove was about 250 people (source: John Black's Pictorial History).
1873. The town was incorporated under a special charter.
1873-74. The railroad reached Honey Grove.
1875. According to the August 10, 1875 Galveston Daily News: Honey Grove, August 8, 1875. Over two thousand people were here to-day to witness the laying of the corner stone of Honey Grove High School by the I.O.O.F. After the ceremonies were over the people got together in the grove near by, and listened to able and instructive speeches from Hon. S. B. Maxey, of Paris, United States Senator, Rev. J. C. Parks, from Sherman, and others. Quite a large amount was subscribed towards completing the building. This is to be an elegant brick and stone building, costs about $12,000, and will be completed about the first of November next, when Rev. J. C. Parks, from Sherman, will take charge as principal, he having been engaged for five years.
1880-81. The town square was enlarged. The Methodist church was begun and completed. The First Presbyterian Church was built.
1883. In January, 1883, the First National Bank was incorporated. The Episcopal and Cumberland Presbyterian churches were erected. A joint stock company was formed to establish a telephone system from Honey Grove to Ladonia.
1884. The Baptist church was erected.
1887. The present City Hall was built.
1887. In the statewide vote relating to prohibition, Honey Grove voted 730 in favor of prohibition and 360 against. While prohibition passed in Honey Grove, it lost statewide. (see a detailed discussion in the Honey Grove Signal of April 28, 1911)
1890. According to the June 6, 1890 Galveston Daily News: Honey Grove, June 5. General Hogg addressed the voters of Honey Grove and vicinity to-day. Fully 7000 people were present. He spoke two hours and ten minutes and his speech was given the best of _______. He was frequently applauded.
1891. The present building of the First National Bank on the southwest corner of the Square was built. The oil mill was built.
1896, June. The city purchased from the Texas & Pacific Railway Co. grounds for the location of the electric light plant at the root of Eight street. The city will begin with sixteen street lamps. (Honey Grove Signal, June 26, 1896)
1896, Oct. The Ringling Bros. circus came to Honey Grove, and the Honey Grove Signal estimated that about 7,000 people were at the afternoon circus. (Honey Grove Signal, October 16, 1896)
1897. William Jennings Bryan visited Honey Grove and received a warm welcome. He spoke to a group of about 3,000 people at the public school building. (Honey Grove Signal, February 12, 1897)
1910. The population of Honey Grove was 2300. (Honey Grove Signal, April 7, 1911)
1911. The Honey Grove Sewerage Company was chartered in March of 1911, having been granted a franchise to construct a sewerage system in Honey Grove. (Honey Grove Signal, March 31, 1911)
1913 Pool halls abolished by a vote of 104-54.
1930 The first "talkie" movie came to Honey Grove. (Honey Grove Signal, February 21, 1930)