Early Automobiles
Article from the Honey Grove Signal-Citizen, August 20, 1971
Around the turn of the century Honey Grove was nearing its peak development as a fine rural community full of hustle and bustle and it was a beehive of business activity. It was the center of activity for the cotton industry with vast acres of land planted to this crop, numerous cotton gins and large cotton buying firms that traded on the cotton markets of the world. Honey Grove could boast of fine schools, churches and business houses the equal of any in the Southwest. Our merchants sent their buyers "up east" to the great fashion centers of St. Louis and New York to procure for their trade the latest of fashions and finest of merchandise. Our Opera House covered the entire north side of the square and was the focal point for entertainment and culture of the day. Our schools could boast of concert musicians as teachers where most of our "genteel" young ladies of fashion studied the piano or some other instrument. Our town was served by two railroads which brought in passengers and goods several times a day from far and wide. If you wanted an extra special ride you could spin around the country in a fine surrey pulled by a spirited horse. Should you prefer a slower mode of transportation and have an outing at the same time you could go picnicking by "Ox Cart".
Also by the turn of the century the automobile began to appear here and there and started a change in transportation which ultimately was to transform our entire way of life. The early day automobiles which first appeared in the 1890's were rather crude affairs being little more than "motorized" wagons, but in a few years dozens of different brands of cars were being made and offered to the buying public. All of the early day models were hand made and most of them were quite expensive, ranging from $1,500 to over $3,000. Many a "young blade" longed for the opportunity to buy one of these horseless carriages and soon after they began to be sold in this area you could see one or more of them running around our public square scaring the horses and faint of heart.
By 1912 the auto had become so numerous in Honey Grove that a group of the owners decided to form an organization to promote the interests of the growing band of motorists. The Honey Grove Auto Club was organized with some twenty or more members taking part. Soon thereafter they met to adopt the by-laws of the new club and we are fortunate in having the secretary's handwritten report of the meeting.
The Honey Grove Auto Club met in regular session at Dial's Garage July 30, 1912, with 16 members present.
On motion duly seconded, the By laws were adopted as amended viz - That a Finance Committee of 3 be appointed to pass on all acts.
The President appointed L. C. Hill, R. H. Gauldin and Luther Trout on Finance Com.
Treas. report was received and showed a balance July 30, 1912 of $71.00.
No further business to come before the Club, on motion same adjourned.
F. E. Wood, Sec.