Saving and Documenting the History of Honey Grove, Texas
Photo used with permission from the DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University, Lawrence T. Jones III Photography Collection, Ag2008.005. Click here for a large version of this photo.
The Honey Grove Preservation League is a volunteer group that believes that the history of Honey Grove and surrounding communities deserves to be preserved for current citizens and future generations.
Contact Barbara Caffee at 214-529-1953 for information on meeting times and dates.
Please join us! You will learn about Honey Grove history, meet interesting people and you can bring your special talents to any number of our projects.
​Citizens with historical documents and photographs are encouraged to contact us so that these materials can be saved and enjoyed.
For information, contact us at The officers and directors of the Preservation League are: President - Barbara Caffee; Vice-President, Malinda Allison; Secretary - Patsi Tindel; Treasurer: Claude Caffee; Director: Myra Rodgers
Documents relating to the history of Honey Grove have been collected in the Local History Room of the Honey Grove Library. Preservation League members are available to meet with researchers at the Library. Please contact the Library (903-378-2206) or Barbara Caffee to schedule an appointment.
Conduct a Google search just on our Site: Click HERE.